Very odd behavior (video)


Hi guys... please watch this video I filmed of one of my two clownfish... they are about 2 years old. I recently moved my tank from the location in the video to an in wall setup... the fish has the same behavior in both locations. Water parameters now are perfect.
Also this usually only happens at night. And I think it goes almost throughout the night non stop. I have never seen it during the say while the lights are on, only when they are off.
to REALLY see what this fish is doing, please fast forward to the 1:23 mark..... I dont think you will believe what he is able to do. He acts totally normal at all other times, but after one of these episodes he is exhausted. I have seen him get held by my coral banded shrimp, and even the power head but he after a couple minutes will get himself out.
If you have any ideas PLEASE let me know!


Well-Known Member
How strong is the water current in the tank? It looks like it is being caught in a rip tide....then when it finally was able to excape it stayed behind the input hose and was able to rest a minute. Get a stick and attach a plastic ribbon to one end (rip off a strand of ribbon on a kids bicycle streamer) then hold the stick in certain places and see if the ribbon mimics the way the clown fish is being tossed around.


Staff member
That is pretty odd, even for a clownfish. He looks like he is breathing rapidly, is he?
Can you get some daytime pics so we can see him without all the somersaults?


Active Member
That is crazy!
I can imagine that the fish is exhausted after that. My word...pH is the only thing I can think of too. How close to lights out does this start?? Instantly?


Hi Everyone... thanks for the comments... It not a current issue... the fish itself is doing those movements... At night only 1 of my 3 koralia power heads is on, its very calm. It even happened when I had all the fish in a temp tank for two days while I moved this tank last month.... When the lights come on I will get some pics. What is most surprising is the fish is TOTALLY normal acting during the day! Swimming with the other clown, eating like a pig, etc. Actually he acts so normal I forget sometimes which fish is which.
I will get some pics soon.