VERY sad day


Active Member
well, my mother apprentally fairly recently has decided she doesnt want squeeze around anymore :mad:
she said i have to give her away, tho she said i could get something else so long as it stayed fairly small (under 8ft) and is not venomous (rear fanged is ok) any suggestions?


well try a gray banded king snake. have you ever had a lizard. i have a pair of Iran desert monitors that im breeding next year if your interest. they are very rare!!


Active Member
i did consider a monitor at one point but when i said it she said "but dont those gte really nasty?" and i just abandoned the idea


Active Member
Blue tounge skink. friendly eats fruit coctail, pinkies and crickets. or if you want a sanke go corn snake they stay under 6ft and are really docile. beardies are cool. if you go iguana go rock iguana way friendlier than the greens. or go black and white tegu they are awesome they get about 4-5 ft and are wicked friendly and semi trainable. (you can train them to come to the sound of a dog training cliker) I am working on getting one for myself I just refuse to pay retail price. I almost picked up that huge red one at the expo but I want a young one that I can train.


Staff member
I suppose my warning about kids getting large snakes comes to mind, does it? I am hoping that you do the responsible thing and find this animal a good home with a knowledgable adult herp-keeper.


well as monitors go there is a great % that do calm down and make good "pets". as far as desert monitors go they can be realy mean and they can be nice. but you got to work on it. its just that they have so much personality and are very active, but that goes with most monitors. it depends on how much you wont to spend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I suppose my warning about kids getting large snakes comes to mind, does it? I am hoping that you do the responsible thing and find this animal a good home with a knowledgable adult herp-keeper.

well like said, it wasnt my ability to take care of her but my mothers who wasnt sure she could take care of her if i was gone, i tried to explain to her that i could teach her but she wasnt sure she could be helped w/ her neck injury. as far as an owner one of my good friends has agreed to take her, im calling him tonite when he gets outta work. also im considering a pair of malaysian mangrove snakes, beatiful snakeys


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
what about a pac-man frog? i don't know squat about reptiles but those are cool looking...tobin
well i was kinda hopin to stay snake, thats y im gettin the mangrove snakes


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Blue tounge skink. friendly eats fruit coctail, pinkies and crickets. o.

I love blue tongue skinks! I thought I saw one in your avatar once :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
rear fanged.........hmmmmm.......
How about a Gila Monster?
well aside from the fact that their technicallynot rear fanged since theyre bottom fanged, theyre illegal in NH do to their critical wild status, like said tho ive already made my decision