very sad


I dont know if you have seen this yet but the croc hunter was killed today.
he was killed by a stingray.
this is very sad


Not to be rude, cause I really liked and admired Steve Irwin, but if you get stung in the chest by a stingray, you were definately doing something you shouldn't be. It's not like he was walking in the surf and stepped on one by mistake. The sad thing is, I feel we are all partly to blame since he did crazier things as his show progressed to keep it interesting. I really hope that people don't turn this into an excuse to slaughter those man-eating stingrays! :mad:


What a crazy world, just goes to show anything can happen to snuff you out when you least expect it.


Steve Irwin's death wasn't unexpected at all. He pushed the limits with all of the creatures that he came into contact with, even though he knew how they would react 98% of the time.
The irony is that he was killed underwater while filming creatures that he most likely wasn't 100% comfortable with. Stingrays have a vicious weapon- their tails. (Hense their name) A stingray's tail is like a sword and can completely penetrate a human being. Not mentioning the toxins that most stingrays possess, a death by puncture wounds is probably preferable than the alternative.
Manny Puig- are you taking notes, brother? Think about Steve the next time that you think playing around with cobras is a good idea. Stay in your element, my friend.


Active Member
Makes you wonder if he even messed with the stingray.
"He came over the top of a stingray that was buried in the sand, and the barb came up and hit him in the chest," said Stainton.


Active Member
For those who do work with stingrays, you know that you can be quite a distance away and still be hit. Don't jump to conclusions that he was either messing with it, or didn't know what he was doing. This is a freak thing. It is not easy to be stung by a stingray, let alone right in the chest. From the current descriptions from his crew, a camerman was swimming in front of the ray, and Irwin was snorkeling off too the side of it. But they can react very quickly, and if it felt cornered, then it would react. He may not have been doing anything to the ray at all.
Appreciate that he made a decision to risk his life -indeed sacrifice his life - to bring nature and a passion for animals that are often maligned to the public. He made a great impact, established a genre, and if a single kid (and I am sure there are more) have a love of nature because of it, then I suspect he would think it worthwhile. I think if he had a choice of how to go...something like that would be it. Out with animals, probably killed by one instantly.


Active Member
Steve contributed alot to the educating of people about wild animals. It's a sad thing that a freak accident had to take him out. From what I read he wasn't stung that killed him. He went over the top of the ray and it got startled, reacted and the 7 or 8 inch barb went through his chest and puntured his heart.
Steve knew the chances he took and he pushed the envelope to try to educate the public. IMO he performed a great service and he was amusing to watch. I feel for his family at their loss. I will continue to watch reruns of his shows.
Some people may think what he did was dangerous and stupid. Maybe so but it's what he like to do, just as some people do dumb things to make record books, like evil knevil and others. It's a matter of opinion and value you get from watching them. I think Steve contributed more then most to the knowledge bank.


I am also very sad and he educated alot of people about animals and how most arn't man eat killing machines. Its good though that he at least died doing what he loved and not of cancer or a car accident or something like that.


this news is shocking saying he only died just several hours ago... i watched his show since i was younger and thought he was entertaining. i hope his family can get though this tragedey... well miss him and his most famous quote of all. "crikey!"