saltyfish dude
New Member
I have been all over the web looking over the different sites that import and sell marine fish and other aquarium specimans, and the services they provide. I've looked at this very, (obviously) and according to them, they send you only healthy fish that have already been eating and possibly captive bred, and have at least some what established themselves in captivity. Also they only have a 9.99 "processing" fee and pay for shipping. Either way, if they are legit, this is a great deal. However, I have no experience with this and I thought that here would be a great place to see what experience people could share with me.
Please posts some of your opinions here, if I get good responses and referrals, I'll give it a chance. If you all mostly disagree, I'll stay away from that for everyone's sake, me and the fish.
and please don't be bias just because we are on this particular message board.
Please posts some of your opinions here, if I get good responses and referrals, I'll give it a chance. If you all mostly disagree, I'll stay away from that for everyone's sake, me and the fish.
and please don't be bias just because we are on this particular message board.