Very simple Bristleworm trap.


I used a bottle from brine shrimp eggs....drilled 4 holes in the cap....tied a piece of thread around the neck of the bottle....and dropped in 2 hunks of shrimp(to rot,,sorta)...just dont let the rotten shrimp contaminate your tank.
Within 1 hour I had a worm sneakin through the holes after food.
Also..make sure the shrimp stays at the far end away from the holes so the worm has to go all (or most) the way in. Check it after lights out and lift it out with thread if ya catch one. Replace it for more.

nm reef

Active Member
Curious as to why you trap them? Bristle worms are a positive part of the micro fauna and can be a benefit. Those that you trap...send 'em this way.:cool:


Active Member
i have an even simpler method (though I only use it for the rare scary big worms--the lil ones i certainly keep)
watch worm poke head out. once worm is in clear site place turkey baster gently near head and *slurp* suck it right out :) i did a lot of this to seed my second tank with worms from my first tank.


I remove them because they are in my dwarf seahorse tank and dwarves are sooo small even a bristleworm can be a threat.I have seen hermits catch and eat just avoiding the risk. In the main tank I have no worries and leave them be.