very strange crab in a nano tank. can you ID this?


I found a little crab in my dads nano tank today. It has white/grey stripes on its legs and has same size claws. The thing that made my jaw drop is that the crab has a set of, hmm..... they look like little feather dusters between his claws and the crab holds them out to filter the water and then eats whats on them. Anybody have any idea what the heck this thing is? Its very cool and Id love to know more about it. Dont know where it came from so it must be a hitch hiker. I can try and get a pic but hes the size of a quarter and is very fast so it wont be too detailed.
Thanks, Josh

nm reef

Active Member
Possibly a porcelain crab of some sort.....Neopetrolisthes ohshimai ...or maybe some other type of anemone crab....there are several with means of extending web like extensions designed to capture small foods from the water column. Without a pic it may be difficult to determine a specific ID.....but the above possibilities may be a good starting point.


good call 007
thats what I was thinking. I have a sally and it is a dark brown with yellow stripes around his legs. but maybe they come in diffrent varities.


it looks like its claws are fairly proportionate to its other legs so i'd say Sally as well. Anemone generally have large broad claws. Cool looking crab too!


well I have a sally in my tank and this crab looks nothing like it. Also, the sally has little flippy things on its head and the other crab doesnt. I was in a fish store today and I saw a crab that was similar to this one and when I asked the guy he said it was a porcelin crab. does that sound right?


I love that pic. My lil bro got the same exact porciln crab. :D
:thinking: I also have a boxer crab but its been a while since I have last seen it.



Originally posted by minitrucke
The thing that made my jaw drop is that the crab has a set of, hmm..... they look like little feather dusters between his claws and the crab holds them out to filter the water and then eats whats on them. Anybody have any idea what the heck this thing is?

Sound like an anemone crab to me.
try a search at: