VHO lights??????


i have a 20 gallon tank and i want to make it a reef so i was thinking if the vho lights would be good or if you know other ones? thanks


Active Member
Nope. VHO are just maxed out t12's and they need to be replaced all the time. is the tank a standard 20 or a 20 long. I have 2x65 w PC on my 20 long...


Active Member
I would recomend mateal halide if you can afford them. If not look for a t-5 fixture. If not, look for a PC fixture. (in that order). A 150 w MH fixture would be best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
isn't a 150 overkill? i have 175w on a 55 gal
. A 20 gallon tank does not warrant Metal Halide Lighting. Its not deep enough. VHO is perfect for that size tank.


Staff member
There is nothing wrong with VHO for a reef tank, but consideration will need to be made for not to keep most sps or most anemones. You need medal halide for those animals.
There is info on lighting in the archives if you need a jump-start on learning about lighting. Here is the tank I used to have under VHO ligfhing


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I would recomend mateal halide if you can afford them. If not look for a t-5 fixture. If not, look for a PC fixture. (in that order). A 150 w MH fixture would be best.
i would go with vho before i went with pc lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc2mlbsm
what kind of corals, anemones can i put in?
That all depends on what wattage you put on the tank.