VHO vs. PC


I will set up a 55 in a couple months. My parents will probably get me the lighting for christmas (alleluia!!). Which type of lighting would be the best over the long term for many inverts, including SPS and clams, that I will absolutely have to have eventually? I want the bulbs to last a long time and not cost a fortune to replace. I don't want much heat. I do want plenty of power for even the most light-demanding animals. I know I will eventually want an anemone BAD no matter what people say about them being tough to keep.
My proposals:
Ask for a 4x55 watt PC system.
Ask for a 4x96 watt PC system and maybe pitch 100 dollars since it costs 530 bucks.
(SO MUCH POWER and FAT ANEMONE, happy clown)


Would the 4x55 be enough for SPS and clams, or should I whip out 100 bucks so I could get the almighty 4x96 for Christmas and be able to have MR. Anemone, some SPS, and a fat clam?


4X96 at the least. I am not even sure thats enough for some SPS and clams (Maxima)?


With the 4x96, that's 384 watts of light over a 55 gallon tank. Actually, a 55 watt PC puts out as much light as a 95 watt VHO. If I got the 4x96, I would be able to keep a Maxima clam, some SPS, and an anemone or two. I've never heard of a PC system that blasts more light on a tank that size. I will have a clown and later an anemone. The clown will love it. How often do the bulbs need to be replaced? I don't want to get bulbs that only last a few months. But if I got the 4x55, what would I be able to keep?


I have 330 watts on my 55g and wouldn't think of a Maxima Clam. I do run VHO's. I keep soft corals and a couple SPS that was on my LR. With 4X55 you can keep pretty much whatever soft corals you want. You might be able to keep more but run a risk of death and pollution in your tank. People I know who keep Maximas have MH lights and average alot more than 6-8 watts per gallon. You can run 600 watts or more on a 55g with fans in the hood. Just buy the most light you can and keep what is suggested for that amount of light and you'll be very happy.


Could I keep an anemone under 4x96? I want to eventually get one because I will have a percula clown. Would the anem be happy?


I talked to the guy at the best LFS in town and he told me I could keep an anemone with 4x55. It was an orange-stalked, greenish-tentacled anemone. What do you think? Was he right? I'm not sure what kind of anemone it was, but there were 2 newly added perculas checking it out.


Do you think I could keep a small maxima or crocea clam if I used 4x96 and put the clam up near the lights? I don't want a big clam because the price goes WAY UP with size.


So are most anemones a little easier to keep than clams? I don't plan to get a clam until the tank's been up for maybe 6 months. What should I use to keep the Ca levels up? Do anemones need additives? What kind of additives besides Ca do corals need? Kent Marine makes a ton of different and pricey things for reef tanks. Which ones will I need?