VHO's or a MH?


I am going to upgrade from PC's on my 20 gallon long to either VHO's or a MH and Atinic Mix. I'm stuck in the middle between the two options right now. The VHO I was looking at was the Icecap 430 setup. On the MH I was thinking of doing two atinics and a 70-150 Watt MH. What would you do between these choices?


It depends what you want an Icecap 430 will be less expensive and make alot less heat, and with a 20G that could be a problem with the MH's. The MH will cost more but could be simple, just put one 175W 10,000K bulb over your tank and you won't need atintics. If it where me I would go for the icecap 430 with 75W atintic and a 75W 10,000 VHO.


Active Member
I like the VHOs on a small tank like that. I love my MH but I would not put them on a small tank.


I must agree with Wamp on this one.....I went agaist him on my 36g bow and put a 175w MH on top of it......and it has done very well.....BUT...I do have an overflow and a sump.....these help with the cooling of the water...I do have a 2-3 degree water temp variation.....but everything seems to be doing well....with a 20g I would NOT even consider the MH.....I know from experience that I wouldn't put a MH on anything smaller than what I have!......The VHO's will be awsome!!!

david s

yea when i upgrade i will be takin off a 2/55watt vho50/50 10k strip light and a 35 atinic cause its not enuff watts for my 90gal reef lfs and i am new ahh well live and learn <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />