Video of My Shark


New Member
Here goes a link to the video of my 2.5-3ft banded cat shark
had for about 1.5 years in my 300 gallon aquarium w/
porcupine puffer(8in)
panther grouper(8in)
2 Jacks(15, 8 in)
Annularis Ange(9in)
Naso Tang(7in)
Volitan Lion(7in)
Look Down(10 in Recent)
Angler(10 in Recent)


Active Member
not only that but your housing him with ALOT of incompatible tankmates!
that will/might evantually kill him
thats a shame.. he cant turn around he WAY too big for that tank, he has nowhere to hide(such as caves) to make him feel comfortable
im not going to insult you but its just plain wrong and cruel!
the only good thign about this is that the sharl looks fat and healthy so good job with that ! other than that its wrong


New Member
he does have somewhere to hide behind all that rock is big empty space to hide he doesnt like coming out in the front only during feeding or after, i took some rocks out recentl and he has way more room, dont get all bent outta shape, he seems to be turning around just fine to me plus the ppl that maintain my tank rearrange the design every month so thats just for 1 month, 300 is big enough for a banded cat


psusocr1 said it right, but I'm going to be a little more blunt with it:
That's F*d up, and this is exactly the reason we catch crap from tree-huggers when we mention wanting exotic fish as pets...some people don't have the common sense or cashflow to provide them their required environment. Not to mention the small tank size, that shark is even in with an entire list of incompatible tankmates...



He would be better off in a 300 gallon rubbermaid then that tank.Then atleast he could swim in circles.Too sad :(


New Member
Originally Posted by Madwabbit
psusocr1 said it right, but I'm going to be a little more blunt with it:
That's F*d up, and this is exactly the reason we catch crap from tree-huggers when we mention wanting exotic fish as pets...some people don't have the common sense or cashflow to provide them their required environment. Not to mention the small tank size, that shark is even in with an entire list of incompatible tankmates...

he is a banded cat retard i have the best maintence ppl in the state of maryland maintaing this tank, they do the same tanks as clinton portis and tre players of the washington redskins, the banded cat and porc puffer came from his tank because he purchased a wobbegong if they aint think it was right for a banded cat to be in a 300 then it wouldnt be in there, he doesn even move like he is a BANDED CAT he lays in the back BEHIND the rocks dont forget there is space back there for him retard, he only moves and swims around when being fed, Cash flow i can buy ur whole set up and use it as a sump for mine if i plzed, but wat good would a 10 gallon do for me


Active Member
ya it will get shut downs oon,,
but if you did happent o have allt hat money and you can fford all of this lavishing stuff which we obviously cant afford since your the only one makign ALOT of money then why dont you do the right thign and go out and buy a bigger tank for him?
or perhaps use the money you pay people to maintain your tank to buy a bigger tanka nd start maintaining it yourself??
not trying to be rude or iggnorant but you said some crazy harsh things... you shouldnt go off the handle and genaralize as you did... because im not "the whole"
we also know its a banded cat.. obviously.. but do you know which kind of cat shark it is? do you know how big it will get?
he also doesnt move alot and lays because he has nowhere to move and hes probably afraid that puffer is going to pick the eyes out of his head if he does move! if your shark isnt active he isnt a happy shark.. banded cat or not..
also these are just opinions, none is calling you names so there is no need to call other people names..


Active Member
Originally Posted by osaleem33
i have the best maintence ppl in the state of maryland maintaing this tank, they do the same tanks as clinton portis and tre players of the washington redskins,
so what your saying is not only are you getting overcharged but you think paying more means its better...
I dont care if you pay 25cents or 1000$ an apples an apple paying a thousand wont make it an orange but for a thousand I'm sure you'll find some one happy to take the money and tell you its an orange.


New Member
i knw its a banded cat, if you read scoot michaels book a 180 is needed for this kinda shark, i have a 300 for all you that cant count which is more than enough if u go on any web site that sells banded cat sharks none say you need larger than a 300 gallon, i really do think u guys are retarded especially the one with the ugle baby pic as his icon, prolly his own baby pic, once again 300gallons


The dimensions play a big part of that.Something to consider.Like i said previously,a 300 gallon rubbermaid stock tank would be better suited for a shark then your 300 gallon tank.Plain and simple.Did you not watch your own video?
Honestly does anyone care what Scott Michael's book say's? I like to base my decisions on reality rather then what a book tells me.


i really dont understand what the big deal is here...i have a banded cat myself and he's been living in my 5.5 gallon nano for 5 years now....

shark bait

my MOM said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. So I will just say "dito" as said above, and the fish PPL just want your money. Do they really care? Most dont!! Is the tank 96" by 24" by 24" ? Puffer, hua. Well um ok I would not sleep well.... Im gona go hug my tree now.


Originally Posted by shark bait
my MOM said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. So I will just say "dito" as said above, and the fish PPL just want your money. Do they really care? Most dont!! Is the tank 96" by 24" by 24" ? Puffer, hua. Well um ok I would not sleep well.... Im gona go hug my tree now.

96" x 24" x 24" is a 240 gallon.Probably more like 96"x24"x30".
That’s jacked up. That Shark can barley move in that tank. I should Drive up from DC and kick your ass...Call the national aquarium and donate it to them they will take better care of it then your dumb ass... :mad:


Originally Posted by 46bfinga
hmmm,interesting comments ***) How long will this thread last

Now,Im thinking it could be sooner. :thinking: