visable blood


I have a yellow headed sleeper goby in quarentine right now. It has a 1/8 inch blotch of blood under his skin on his bottom lip. The really wierd part is there is a strip of blood in his cheek (1/4") that goes away and reappears every couple of hours.
ammo -0
trites - 0
temp 79
sg 1.025
trates -10
ph 8.2
diet, mixed brine , mysis, squid, pellets flake. switch it up.
recently I've been soaking his food in garlic once I noticed this blood to help his immune system. Any ideas?


Can you post a picture? From your description it sounds like a bacterial infection. Pick up some Maracyn 2 for saltwater fish. That will heal the infection. You should improve the diet. Only use brine and mysis as a treat. Pick up some frozen formula foods. These contain many different types of meats and veggies for your fish to have a balanced diet.


Active Member
yeah, sounds bacterial. Also - are there any other sleepers in the tank that could be picking on him?


I would agree with the bacterial as well after doing some research. he has a mild case, nothing major like the pictures I've seen. I figured I would tackle this early as to not allow it to get worse.
I will do that with the medication you mentioned sepulatain. Thank You.
He is the only fish in the tank, QT'ed before adding to DT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azaintcold
He is the only fish in the tank, QT'ed before adding to DT.
Well done! QT is the best decision anybody can make. Now treatment will be cake! Bravo


Thanks for the props. I started the treatment last night with the recommended medication, and all visable signs have cleared up already. I'm impressed with the medication. I will treat for five days as recommended in the directions and then assuming all is well, he goes in the DT next monday.(3 weeks of QT)


Originally Posted by azaintcold
Thanks for the props. I started the treatment last night with the recommended medication, and all visable signs have cleared up already. I'm impressed with the medication. I will treat for five days as recommended in the directions and then assuming all is well, he goes in the DT next monday.(3 weeks of QT)

That is absolutely wonderfull to see that you qt'd this fish and caught the problem before it reached the DT!!!! Have you been watching very closely for white spots? There is no harm in keeping him in there for an extra week to recover. You are free to put him in after the meds are done. I would personally keep him in there for another week. That is just me though, it is up to you.


No white spots, no signs of ich, etc. Just this small sign of the bacterial infection. He is eating and swimming normally, all visable signs of bacterial infection are gone, so I'll just carry out the with the recommended 5 days, and assuming no signs arise this weekend he should be fine. Thanks for your help.


Well.... Total bummer. i went camping for 1 day and came home to him dead. He was doing so well .. I guess this is why people QT fish though right? My question is this, the death caused an ammonia spike, whats the quickest way to get by QT out of this mini cycle? just ghost feed and test parameters?
p.s. i already did a decent sized water change.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. I've had this happen a couple times also - one being treated for ich and was doing very well - eating, very active, etc - and then all of a sudden - dead. It's hard to tell why this happens sometimes.
About your mini cycle - is there anything else in the QT? If not, I would worry about the ammonia - the bacteria will clear it up within a couple weeks. If you have others hanging out in the QT, then I would do small water changes and use ammonia lock. But if you fella was only dead for 1 day, probably don't have enough waste to cause much of a cycle.


Originally Posted by azaintcold
Well.... Total bummer. i went camping for 1 day and came home to him dead. He was doing so well .. I guess this is why people QT fish though right? My question is this, the death caused an ammonia spike, whats the quickest way to get by QT out of this mini cycle? just ghost feed and test parameters?
p.s. i already did a decent sized water change.
Oh my, I am so sorry that he died. I wouldn't ghost feed the tank, you already have the spike, let it finish the cycle (there are no other fish in the qt right?)


Originally Posted by azaintcold
No other fish in QT. correct. I guess I'll just let it do its thing. thanks again folks.
Again, I am very sorry for your loss.