visi-jet venturi skimmer


Anyone know about the visi-jet venturi skimmer? It operates inside the tank. I am trying to save money and this one seems to be the least expensive skimmer I can get. But I don't know if it works well, plus I don't like the fact that it operates inside the tank. Also, I have heard the Prizm skimmer is pretty loud. Any comments?
Planning on buying:
29 gal
15 pounds of Fiji
20#aragonite sand/20#coral
cleaner shrimp/snails
2-3 fish
misc. invertebrates


Active Member
visi-jet is a very cheap skimmer. I tried it on my 20 gallon with no luck. I hated it. Bubbles everywhere and no foam in the cup. I tried my hardest to make it work due to the cost. Finally I gave up and bought a sea-clone. Did not like it a whole lot more but it did work better than the visi-jet.
I have veturi on my 20g and it works fine, yes it does produce some small bubles but for $30 it may be worth it for a 30g setup


i used it for a year..didn't like it.......
i had to spent twice on skimmer..
i should've bought better one at the first time..
good luck..