Vodka dosing


Joe, the dosing of vodka is old news. It has been around for a very long time. It has been tried by those that don't want to change out their CC, and by others. It can be very successful, if the person knows what they are doing. As you pointed out, it is not something to be taken lightly and it is important to maintain filtration and skimming. It can be disastrous if done wrong. People with sand beds should not bother. The same results can be accomplished with the addition of a refuge and appropriate water changes. That last was not directed at you Joe.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Joe, the dosing of vodka is old news. It has been around for a very long time. It has been tried by those that don't want to change out their CC, and by others. It can be very successful, if the person knows what they are doing. As you pointed out, it is not something to be taken lightly and it is important to maintain filtration and skimming. It can be disastrous if done wrong. People with sand beds should not bother. The same results can be accomplished with the addition of a refuge and appropriate water changes. That last was not directed at you Joe.
Sir Q the reason I in particular find vodka dosing interesting is that I fall into the category of those with larger older tank set ups with CC and no room to have a hang on back or under tank refug. (I do have a small in tank refug with a designated power head holding Cheato) the undertaking of changing from CC to a sand bed at his time does not seem to be in the best interests of keeping my tank stable. . I do a 10 to 15 gallon a week water change so I can keep my nitrates in check but as we all strive for the most pristine water we can have I am always looking for a way to better my water quality. I sincerely hope I stressed the point that the procedure is not for everyone and must be fully researched by each individual that attempts it. When my reserch is concluded and IF AND WHEN I I decide to attempt it I will post a thread on my particular step my step procedure hopefully to help and or not have something catastrophic happen to some one else


Active Member
The only reason I don't like plain and simple water changes, is well, actually two reasons. One being that it is sort of putting a band aid on the problem. It is not getting to the source of why the nitrates are there. Number two being that most people I know enjoy traveling. If you leave for two weeks and put your tank on a timed feeder, no telling where your trates may be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Condyman
WHat! never heard of this. i def wanna look into it. one shot for me.. one shot for my homies.
Made me rofl
Originally Posted by candycane

The only reason I don't like plain and simple water changes, is well, actually two reasons. One being that it is sort of putting a band aid on the problem. It is not getting to the source of why the nitrates are there. Number two being that most people I know enjoy traveling. If you leave for two weeks and put your tank on a timed feeder, no telling where your trates may be.
Ok, so above scenerio what does it have to do with dosing with vodka ?
If you go on vacation dosing or not over two weeks you still have no idea where your trates will be.
It just confused me I do not know what you meant is what im asking for it to be broken down im slow maybe.


Active Member
It means it would probably be a good idea to find the source of the trates in the first place rather then just mask the fact they are there with water changes.
I think nitrates and filtration is getting a bit off topic though.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by candycane
It means it would probably be a good idea to find the source of the trates in the first place rather then just mask the fact they are there with water changes.
I think nitrates and filtration is getting a bit off topic though.
With all do respect every thing feeding my bio filter is the source of the nitrates its not how they got there its how to keep them from building up


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
With all do respect every thing feeding my bio filter is the source of the nitrates its not how they got there its how to keep them from building up
I'm not sure I understand this statement? What kind of filtration are you using? I would read through the whole thread, but it's really long.
Just for example. I have a 29 gallon tank with a carbon canister filter on the back and feed it HEAVILY. The nano fish that I have in there I feed 4 times a week and I feed the smaller amount of corals about 6 times a week. The trates have never gotten over 5ppm (knock on wood). But there is no live rock and only about a 1/2" sand bed.
Edit. There is just a lot of macroalga types that are pretty much worthless as well. Halimeda and Mangroves don't really do anything. Chaeto is a lot courser, but it gets the job done for the most part if it populates enough pods in it. Caulerpa (any kind except grape) has been my choice for years and years now.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by candycane
I'm not sure I understand this statement? What kind of filtration are you using? I would read through the whole thread, but it's really long.
Just for example. I have a 29 gallon tank with a carbon canister filter on the back and feed it HEAVILY. The nano fish that I have in there I feed 4 times a week and I feed the smaller amount of corals about 6 times a week. The trates have never gotten over 5ppm (knock on wood). But there is no live rock and only about a 1/2" sand bed.
Edit. There is just a lot of macroalga types that are pretty much worthless as well. Halimeda and Mangroves don't really do anything. Chaeto is a lot courser, but it gets the job done for the most part if it populates enough pods in it. Caulerpa (any kind except grape) has been my choice for years and years now.
Candy nitrates, as I am sure you know are the end product of nitrification in our tanks. Nitrogen enters our systems manly from food or from livestock that has died. Weather eaten and digested or not most of it is converted to ammonia and ammonium. In a cycled tank our bacterial filter then metabolizes the ammonia into nitrites followed by other bacteria coveting the nitrites to nitrates. This is where water changes, chemical filtration macroalge, scrubbers live rock sand est. Convent the nitrates to gaseous nitrogen. My statement meant to say that in my particular case it’s not how the nitrates get into my tank its how to more efficiently convert them to nitrogen gas. Again I am sure you already know this, and im sorry my statement was confusing


I have to say I think adding vodka is insane. Deosnt matter if it lowers nitrates or not, what else is it doing and if vodka is to only be used by an experienced reefer I'd have to question why is an experienced reefer having long term nitrate trouble? I believe having the proper filtration for your aquarium is part of the responsibility that goes with the hobby and good husbandry. If you have a large tank and cant afford or cant put the right filtration on it you shouldnt have it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Candy nitrates, as I am sure you know are the end product of nitrification in our tanks. Nitrogen enters our systems manly from food or from livestock that has died. Weather eaten and digested or not most of it is converted to ammonia and ammonium. In a cycled tank our bacterial filter then metabolizes the ammonia into nitrites followed by other bacteria coveting the nitrites to nitrates. This is where water changes, chemical filtration macroalge, scrubbers live rock sand est. Convent the nitrates to gaseous nitrogen. My statement meant to say that in my particular case it’s not how the nitrates get into my tank its how to more efficiently convert them to nitrogen gas. Again I am sure you already know this, and im sorry my statement was confusing

LOL, yeah, I know all that. What I was asking is what kind of filtration are you using? Protein skimmer? Sump? What? That is where the end product is going to turn out. How deep is your sand bed, etc.