Vodka in your Tank??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Olga
Hi. I know that majority did not took my post seriously. Was a little joke from me.
I know its naughty. I just found topic about adding "vodka in the fish tank" is very funny. :hilarious
I for one obviously thought you were serious... there wasn't any indication that you were "Just Jokin" ... you post advice like that and odds are someone may foolow (follow misspelled on purpose) your instructions... you reference a LFS owner, and actually gave how much to put into the tank...
next time do some research on the topic of the thread... good luck with your doses...


Originally Posted by ruaround
I for one obviously thought you were serious... there wasn't any indication that you were "Just Jokin" ... you post advice like that and odds are someone may foolow (follow misspelled on purpose) your instructions... you reference a LFS owner, and actually gave how much to put into the tank...
next time do some research on the topic of the thread... good luck with your doses...
LOL, its just my Russian SOH (if such existing ;). In the style: you come across dead serious, but in reality you are joking. I would thought combination of Vodka and Redbull in my post would start alarm bells ringing, that I was taking a pi..

Sorry about that. Not that I ever thought any in the "right mind" person would chuck this stuff (Redbull that is) in theirs tanks. I just thought that a little humour on the forum would not do any harm. Light up!


Active Member
The thing is there are many new aquarists that search these boards, Im not saying anyone would dose their tank but you never never know... I certainly welcome humor, but it has its place in "The Aquarium" forum...frankly I am full of jokes in that forum..
without any indication of a "J/K", citing a reference, giving dose instructions and even saying there is another thread... ya I can see how anyone could tell that you were just kiddin... <----detect any sarchasm???


New Member
Boy am I upset! I tried the vodka trick but it made my wrass sick and my dogfish swim upside down.
On another note I was speaking someone on another forum last week and he suggested putting pickled cabbage in my refugium to increase the good bacteria. Is this another lousy trick?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shadylady
Just to re-interate : DO NOT DOUSE VODKA IN YOUR TANK!
I would like to reiterate too... there really isnt concrete evidence that dosing a tank with vodka will increase bacteria growth and increase the export of excess waste... there are people who do this, but it is typically an expirienced reef keeper...
to simply say "Do not dose you tank with vodka" and not back it up is as good as your pickled cabbage in your fuge... (even I think youre joking :notsure: )


New Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
I would like to reiterate too... there really isnt concrete evidence that dosing a tank with vodka will increase bacteria growth and increase the export of excess waste... there are people who do this, but it is typically an expirienced reef keeper...
to simply say "Do not dose you tank with vodka" and not back it up is as good as your pickled cabbage in your fuge... (even I think youre joking :notsure: )
Gee-wizz, I've fallen onto a thread where some people seem to be joking about.
However I take your point there Brad,i'm a new hobbyist here so you will excuse ignorance. I think what it needed is a clear statement on the number of shots of vodka. I will make my statement again:
What are your thoughts on Bacardi Breezer (red flavour)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shadylady
Gee-wizz, I've fallen onto a thread where some people seem to be joking about.
However I take your point there Brad,
What are your thoughts on Bacardi Breezer (red flavour)?
Who is Brad??? I'm not much of a Breezer guy, and by Red Flavor do you man Strawberry Daquari??? I like a Micro Brew, Gin & Juice, Rum & Coke or a good ol' Coors Light... In which none should be introduced to an aquarium...


Originally Posted by Shadylady
Boy am I upset! I tried the vodka trick but it made my wrass sick and my dogfish swim upside down.
On another note I was speaking someone on another forum last week and he suggested putting pickled cabbage in my refugium to increase the good bacteria. Is this another lousy trick?

Shadylady! Are you British? No need to answer. Ok, please do.
I am about can get your irony about pickled cabbage. In case if you meant it and if you have any life stock in it. Do you liquidise this to the very small particles and then squeeze as much as possible fermented acid/juice from it to feed your fish or invertebrates with it?
Problem with it: if you just started to do so and you have recently set up tank, It might trigger another mini cycle, and you will find a few floaters (dead bodies) in the tank very soon. I really hope its not going to be the case. (usually takes 4-5 weeks). However I still think its not fair to have such experiments with living organisms. Shadylady: can you imagine. after you death you soul would be transferred to some Sexline Wrasse (not sure about spelling, but in Latin is: pseudochenlenus hexatarnia) Would you like to eat picked cabbage for the rest of your life? I can guess you answer.
Why don't just put partly steamed/boiled things like salad, spinach, cale, parsley, green chilly, dill, mint under the algae scrubbing magnet for fish who thriving on the green matter to nibble on it, instead to poison them with such dire stuff as pickled cabbage. Its just not right! Flame me away!
Or do you mean: you want your tank to start to cycle with picked cabbage instead of raw tiger shrimp? Please clarify.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Olga
Shadylady! Are you British? No need to answer. Ok, please do.
I am about can get your irony about pickled cabbage. In case if you meant it and if you have any life stock in it. Do you liquidise this to the very small particles and then squeeze as much as possible fermented acid/juice from it to feed your fish or invertebrates with it?
Problem with it: if you just started to do so and you have recently set up tank, It might trigger another mini cycle, and you will find a few floaters (dead bodies) in the tank very soon. I really hope its not going to be the case. (usually takes 4-5 weeks). However I still think its not fair to have such experiments with living organisms. Shadylady: can you imagine. after you death you soul would be transferred to some Sexline Wrasse (not sure about spelling, but in Latin is: pseudochenlenus hexatarnia) Would you like to eat picked cabbage for the rest of your life? I can guess you answer.
Why don't just put partly steamed/boiled things like salad, spinach, cale, parsley, green chilly, dill, mint under the algae scrubbing magnet for fish who thriving on the green matter to nibble on it, instead to poison them with such dire stuff as pickled cabbage. Its just not right! Flame me away!
Or do you mean: you want your tank to start to cycle with picked cabbage instead of raw tiger shrimp? Please clarify.
That hands down is the strangest post I have ever read. :notsure:


after you death you soul would be transferred to some Sexline Wrasse (not sure about spelling, but in Latin is: pseudochenlenus hexatarnia) Would you like to eat picked cabbage for the rest of your life?
I dunno, I really like the stuff!!!!
Just kidding around!!
I've never heard of anyone putting it in their tank though. Sounds icky!


only the best for my tank, grey goose all the way lol. So great now i have to ask my parents to pick me up a fifth. I swear mom its for my tank lol


I heard cheap vodka is is best. they use it to dose denitrifiers all the time. Not sure what it does just putting it in your tank??


Member I am guessing the answer is a NO?, or is it kinda like the statement used by many LFS's..."Dory will be fine in a 30g" ...and fail to tell you that it will only be fine for about 30days?...


Hmm all joking aside I don't think the answer is actually NO but possibly one of those things that may be more trouble than it's worth when there are other, safer alternatives. I'd do a ton of research and be sure before trying it, personally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Madison I am guessing the answer is a NO?, or is it kinda like the statement used by many LFS's..."Dory will be fine in a 30g" ...and fail to tell you that it will only be fine for about 30days?...
Make your own determination...
the statement below is serious, joking aside some experienced reef keepers do dose with vodka...
Originally Posted by ruaround

Sttudies on dosing of ethanol, using vodka, to reef tanks as a carbon source for marine heterotrophic bacteria in order to increase denitrification rates and bacterial biomass production have been done for years... There still isnt any hard/concrete evidence that there is any benefits or adverse affects... basically the conclusion is that you need nitrogen not carbon for the denitrofication process... Back when I first started in this hobby (around 15 years ago) the owner of the LFS swore by dosing with vodka, and he had very pristine tanks...