Hey I don't know about yall but getting shocked by touching my water makes me mad. I don't like to touch my electric fence that controls horses. Electric is not OK with me in my fish tank. I had a pump blow a clamp from rusting, burt my pump. I replaced it and of course came home with more fish. When I got ready to turn them loose I was stung by the water. Well I started unplugging cords till it stopped. I tried to get my husband to put his hand in the water but it didn't work. So I found out it was the other pump. Sliding in and out,of wet dry filter, caused a crack in line or case. So I went and got a new one. FIXED. I have to tell the truth, first I took it out and tried it in kitchen sink, put blue glue and electric tape on it. Worked for a little while. When I was putting reef treatment in wet dry, I felt that sting slightly. I asked my daughter to touch the water, she did only because I was. I went to LFS.