Vomiting Blenny - Now Dead


A week ago I noticed tht my Lawnmower Blenny was vomiting. I didn't know quite what to do so I started watching him closer. The other day he was dead. I saw no other noticable changes in his behavior. The other fish in the tank are fine.
My water parameters are well with in spec. The only change was that I started dosing my water with "Coral-Vite" at about the same time. I did do a water change to try to remove some of it. Do you think it made him sick?
He was my favorite fish.
Thanks in advance for your comments.
Tank Description:
55G Glass
20G Sump
70-75lbs of LR
3" LS
1 Blue Spot Gobie
3 Fire Fish Gobies
1 Bicolor Dottyback
1 Bicolor Angel
2 Brittle stars
2 Large Condys
A couple of low-light tolerant corals.
Assorted dusters, crabs, hermits, and snails.
[ September 10, 2001: Message edited by: FlatFish ]


Active Member
The reason for its death is hard to say but for a fish to vomit it is not that unusual. I once had a Puffer that would eat so much it would vomit (heck till then I had no idea fish could do that). I still have the fish so that habit did not kill him but a better feeding policy cured him of that. If it was a one time thing I don't think that would tell any of us enough to hazard a guess as to its cause of death.
I have a Scopas Tang right now that vomits all of the time...it eats a lot of the food that I put in the tank, and I guess it over eats...but really I don't think this has any effect on it...as it is one of my most active fish!!!


my scooter blennies vomit or throw up sand after eating the nutrient off of it. Or live stuff. So, you can call it vomiting or eating habit :D