Vote for your favorite fish !

i could only input 15 options...there are a few more popular choices i wanted to add but thats why i want you guys to list your fav fish :) thats if it isnt on that list


Active Member
Well since I had to vote for only 1 then Porcupine Puffer becuase of their awesome awesome personality, but my top three are the: Porc Puffer, Emperor Angel, and Achilles Tang.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
Green Mandarin!
I 2nd this - Love the Green Mandrian and want to get one when I have an established tank. Currently setting up a 55 that I want to put a flame angel, a goby, pajama cardinal and a clown in and then later the green mandrian
Also, when I get my 2nd tank, which will be bigger then a 55, I want to get a volitan!


I would have to say my Majestic Angelfish and my Passer Angelfish and my Lemonpeel Angelfish and my White Spotted Bamboo Shark. Those are my fav fish that I have by far.


Active Member
I don't like your poll as none of my favorite fish are even listed. I like queen angels, bluefaced angels and regal angels and none of them are even on your poll.

al mc

Active Member
For personality: Lawn Mower Blenny
For beauty: Achilles Tang
For athleticism: Midas Blenny...As another poster indicated..Those guys can jump!