

I just found out the peppermint shrimp I bought to get rid of my aiptasia are really camelbacks. The LFS told me they were peppermints. (I was wondering why they wouldn't touch the aiptasia.) I have been to 2 pet stores asking for needles so I could inject aiptasia with water. No luck. Can my 20 ga.l hex. tank support another shrimp? I have one cleaner and 2 camelbacks already. If I find a peppermint will they all get along?
Needles can be found in drug stores in the diabetic supplies. You'll probably have to ask for them as they are likely to be behind the counter.
You can also check cooking stores.
Save yourself time, gas and aggravation by calling around first. Good luck! :)


You don't need a needle, just a syringe--you may have one from a testing kit. And yes, you can use water, hot water.


I stand corrected. My bad. I was always told that you had to use calcium. You learn something new everyday.


I find that hot water is not effective as a solution of with a little bit of whot water and a lot of kalk. This usually clears it up for me right away. Peppermint shrimp will only eat smaller aspatia and most of the time wont touch the bigger ones. So Kalk and hot water in a syringe works great.


Well I just squirted hot boiling water on the aiptasia, and all 3 of my shrimp (1 cleaner 2 camelbacks) attacted it immediately. They must like it cooked. They are digging it out tearing it apart and eating it. Interesting.