Wahoowa's 56 Reef and Foam Rock Background Build


As some of you know, I picked up a reef ready 56 gallon and have have decided to take on the foam rock wall for the background. After the tank stabilizes from the transfer of livestock from my 75, I'm going to be adding corals and hopefully make it a slammin' reef tank. Here are my materials, plans, and cost for peope who might be attempting this in the future. This whole thing needs to be done by the 19th of April, so it should be a pretty fun build.
Setup and Materials:

56 gallon reef ready
Sump and Return
(1) Metal Halide and (2) 22" T5s
Custom Stand and Canopy - ($200 used for entire tank setup)
70lbs. live "lace" rock for back wall - ($50)
$150 lbs Figi - ($80)
2 Sheets Eggcrate ($22)
9oz. 2-part Epoxy Resin ($9)
2 Cans Foam ($20)
As of now, I am in the process of repainting the stand and canopy. Today I cut out the center brace of the tank because the heat had made it crack and so it would be easier to put the rock wall in the back. I'm going to rig up a piece of acrylic over it so that once the background is in, I'll put the acrylic where the center brace was and it will be good as new. I have cut out the skeleton for the frame and will be zip-tieing everything together. I'll then ziptie the rock on the the eggcrate and lightly foam it in the place - my goal is the less foam the better. Whatever foam is visible, I will epoxy it and dump sand over it to give it a natural look. I'm hoping that this turns out well - if anybody has any suggestions, questions, comments (or complaints), feel free to post. Pictures should start coming in tomorrow or Tuesday. Wish me luck!


So I ran out of daylight to start foaming/ziptieing the rock in outside, but I did manage to finalize my skeleton and do a "practice" run (I was extremely bored and anxious!). So here are a few pics of all the materials and some of the larger pieces of rock that I'm going to be adding. I'm going to start around 8 am and should have all the rock on by 11 - if not I'm skipping class - jk.



I started foaming this evening and now I'm letting it cure enough for me to flip it on its back so that I can cover the back wall.



So I finished foaming last night and this is the finished product. I am pretty happy overall, yet I still have a lot of foam sculpting to do. I used all 3 cans of "great stuff" foam on it - half of which is stuck on my hands (wear gloves if you are going to try this). After I sculpt the extra foam, I'll be doing some touch-ups and then epoxying so that the entire background is ready by this upcoming weekend.
You can't really tell from the pics, but there are tons of ledges for corals, and the structure on the right side is sort of like a big cave/bridge, so it should be interesting to see what fish ends up in there. This thing is super heavy, so I don't think I'll have a problem with it floating. Let me know what you guys think.



Active Member
I like it. You used alot more rock then a lot of the walls I have seen. I am considering doing this for my seahorse tank.
I posted a question in the diy section about the epoxy. What did you buy and how do you know what is safe for aquarium use.


I also questioned the epoxy, but the overwhelming majority told me to go into a hobby store and buy a basic two part epoxy. Everybody says that their tank has done fine with it - you just have to let it cure for a few days first. I'll def. let you guys know if it starts wiping out my livestock lol.


So here is a quick update. I filled the tank up and found out that I have an overflow problem that I will have to tear the tank down and work on in the coming weeks. Until then, I have relocated the fish. I have included a few pics - which are extremely bad IMO. You can't really get a good idea of the depth of the structure, as the other rock I added to cycle the tank are obstructing the view. When cycled, I'll take the rock on the sides out only add a few pieces to the substrate. I'll add some better pics in the coming weeks when I fix the overflow and the tank is completely filled and ready to rock and roll.
