

Active Member
You're definitely not a bad person for shopping there. Or working there.
I still shop at Walmart when i need items around the house or just need a couple things. I just make sure i'm over-the-top nice to every employee I meet, and compliment employees every chance I get when they prove helpful, which they often do. I also speak with management often, many times in a consulting role, as I still know most of them from my research days. Luckily the WM near me I shop at has a good management team in place, as I said above, there are some WM's w/ decent management.
Actually, the oddest story in my research came from Germany. Where I shadowed at a store where they set-up a Singles Shopping Night where singles shopped and met dates. It's been so successful it's spreading across Europe. See, now that's the kind of thing our WM shoppers need.:D


ohh fun walmart bashing ok i will get in on this one..
how long has it been since i shopped there about a week.. don't have much choice.. i live in a small town.. there are many good things about walmart and many bad things. as with everystore.. walmart just has more money to thow around
like i said earlier i dont have much of a choice where i shop there is no targets. meyers or anything like that within a 2 1/2 hour drive. there is a kmart up here. but i would not shop there. far worse than walmart. plus they are going under anyways.
walmarts are good to get everything you need in one place yes. friendly service sometimes. as for the welfare people what is realy wrong with them.. i know somepeople take advatage of it. ok alot do. but there are truely somepeople out there that need it.. take myself for instance.. I grew up poor.. and poor in an understatement.. yet look at me now 23 own my own home. make decent money.. built up everything i have myself.. so was i trashy for being on welfare.. if you think so well you must be a better man than me.
I dont realy like walmart.. but that is where i have to get most of my stuff.. i still do to the hardware store to get what i need. still try to go to all the mom and pop stores. because they are the ones who realy care about you.. and they money they make STAYS in the community..
so again walmart is not realy the best choice but hey there are worse companys out there.. you want to talk about a control company look no further than the largest chain of gas stations they are the ones with the real power.. And they are the ones screwing us.. exaple crude oil is at about 48 per barrel.. and gas on average is about 1.90 now look back last summer when the cost was close to 60 a barrel and we were only paying 1.70 so who is realy the worse guy.. by the was if you can remember when gas was less then a buck a gallon oil prices were still around 45 per barrel.
so if you realy want to boycott anyone boycote the big gasstations.. like PB schell and so on.. go to the little corner one if you have one left


Active Member
yall people are weird. EVERYONE down here in south texas goes to walmart, rich, poor, everyone....


Tho some might have made mention of those shopping at walmart , My concern about walmart has always been the management . It has NOTHING to do with its patrons.


Wal-Mart is ok but they remind me of a K-Mart. They start out good but then go down hill from there. For as fast as they are growing I beleive it is tooo fast and soon be filling for bank rupcey and the kids from the original owners will take the $ and run.


We go to our local Super Wal-Marts, have always had pretty good service there. We know a few people that work at Wal-Mart and they enjoy working there. I don't consider myself, friends, family or aquaintances "trashy" who also go to wal-mart. We see many different cultures, also decently dressed persons & people dressed in rags. Anyway, that's my two cents. (don't have much more than that) :jumping:


I'm for the mom and pop whenever I can. I can go in the local hardware, tell the guy what I need, he hands it to me and I'm on my way. Same with the meat store and my small grocery. I can be in and out in less time than it takes to find a parking spot at Wal-Mart. Like you say, not all Walmarts treat their employees good. My daughter worked at one that the management team was terrible.


I agree that they drive a lot of small stores out of business but, so do all the big stores like Best Buy for example. We just got a new guitar store that uses the ‘mass quantity’ selling philosophy. It has already driven one of my favorite smaller music stores out of business. No matter whether you like them or not, the fact is that people shop at them, lots of people. If they didn’t, the Wal-Marts of the world wouldn’t be as successful as they are.


In a small town which like what I live in. Population of 2000 your not going to see a Best Buy or anything like that. But just last year we got a super wal-mart and it drove all the mom and pop sewing, tire and grocery stores out. Even the town next to me has 4 super wal marts. NO THAT IS JUST !-%# rediculous.