Originally Posted by
Clown Boy
LOL I never really even looked into that whole Vick thing...
Indeed, I do not like animals being tortured. We have small dog breeding business (6 dogs... that's considered small LOL), and each of our dogs is... uh... pampered. (sleeps with us in bed, curls up with us on the couch, etc.)
I ought to post pictures sometime... ah, I can see it now... "How Many Puppies..."
Anyways, I think very lowly of people who torture animals. But I do not think that there should be a law against it. If it does happen, pretty soon you'll end up in jail for smacking a dog that tried to bite you...
So a creature that depends on us 100% for its safety and security shouldn't have some laws to protect it from evil and cruel treatment? We are the one's who domesticated the dog and I think that we own a lot to canines, they have had a very large and positive impact on us for 10’s of thousands of years (livestock protection, personal protection, estate protection, hunting partners, police work, hospice work and general companions).
I've been around dogs since I was a baby and I have never had a dog try to bite me and most dog bites happen because people do stupid things like try to take their food, take a bone or general mistreatment and if it were to bite you I'd say good for the dog.
Really the leap you have made is very silly, a dog that bites someone is more then likely going to be put down and to think you'd be the one prosecuted for hitting it back is amusing at best.