Wallpaper pictures


Active Member
heres some of my favorites. i printed an 8 1/2 x 11 of the fox coral, going to frame it and give it to one of my lfs. none of these pics were photoshopped.



Active Member
My fox coral and fire shrimp. Of all of the pictures I have taken this is my utmost favorite. I have it framed and in my family room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
What kind of cardinal is that in the second picture from the bottom?
It looks like a pajama but with better colors.
Yes, just my pajama cardinal with great colors. Proper diet.!! That is a bangaii cardinal 1/3 the size of my fuzzy dwarf lion. (See even dwarfs are not reef safe)


Active Member
Ruins the WHOLE thread when someone OVER sizes their pictures and makes you scroll to the right.


Active Member
but its a wallpaper thread..you cant make a wallpaper out of something small. Also cant show any real details in small pics.



i'd be interested to hear which ones people are using!
im currently using the orange ricordea mushroom by 05xrunner. ive named it Sunkist!



Many great pics here! You guys should send these to some editors or somthing! I love the color in this pic! Beautiful picture! I used it as my wallpaper. Thank you!