Racial profiling is such a touchy subject.. but we need to be as politically correct as possible.. I think GENERAL profiling might be necessary.. for instance.. I think latino, or I think asian or caucasian or african american... TO GIVE the authorities the correct lead in perusing the case...
Another way purses get stolen is when you put your purse in the little seat in the front of the cart that kid's sit in. All you have to do is turn your back for one sec to look at something on the shelves in the store and someone can walk by and grab it. To prevent this, put the little "seat belt" around your purse strap/handle and fasten it shut, then if someone tries to grab your purse they can't because it's attatched to the sealt belt thingy.
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
Another way purses get stolen is when you put your purse in the little seat in the front of the cart that kid's sit in. All you have to do is turn your back for one sec to look at something on the shelves in the store and someone can walk by and grab it. To prevent this, put the little "seat belt" around your purse strap/handle and fasten it shut, then if someone tries to grab your purse they can't because it's attatched to the sealt belt thingy.
Originally Posted by NYyankeees
Another way purses get stolen is when you put your purse in the little seat in the front of the cart that kid's sit in. All you have to do is turn your back for one sec to look at something on the shelves in the store and someone can walk by and grab it. To prevent this, put the little "seat belt" around your purse strap/handle and fasten it shut, then if someone tries to grab your purse they can't because it's attatched to the sealt belt thingy.
thats another thing that makes me mad, i ALWAYS do that and i thought well my purse is in my car surly no one will try that with me in the car, but no i was wrong
how big is your purse that you cant hold it while you sit down, then put it next to you?
why did you put open the door, put it down, close the door, walk around to the other side of the car, then get it?
just sayin....
well i was loading all the stuff on the passenger side cuz there was stuff on the other side and i just grabbed my purse and plopped it down in the floor of the front set