walmart water


I saw a post on here that you can buy Walmart bottle water and it is Ro water. Should I get the distilled water or the one that says drinking water???/


I use the drinking water. If you read the label it states purified using Reverse Osmosis.


hello i use the walmart drinking water too. it is uv filtered and passed thru carbon and a micron filter like a charm 4 me!


thanks I bought some today and I bought a tap water filter. Goint to wait to get the RO unit


If you are going to get a tap water filter for your kitchen tap, get an ecoquest water filter. I can't post link to site, but you can email/pm me and I'll give it to you.
Unit incorporates Ultra-violet/ozone and large 1 micron solid carbon filter. Do not ever buy any of the brita or standard faucet filters as they are simply garbage.
The unit is a bit costly...around 350 but well worth it. For all of the money and pain in the butt it is to lug containers from walmart etc, this will pay for itself in no time. Fishtanks aside, creates the best drinking water I have ever tasted, as well as making it completely safe of all contaminents including bacterial/viral.
I use it for my water changes as well.


I use the distilled, but does the drinking really say that about reverse osmosis? That's interesting to me. What is "distilled" anyway? I filled with tap water and it took me FOREVER to get rid of diatoms by doing my water changes with distilled, but I'm always open for the better suggestion.


Brown, sort of powdery algae that craps up everything in the tank. It wipes off easily, but (too late) I read that scrubbing it actually spreads it. It's common in a new tank, but eventually fades away, plus a clean-up crew helps.
The tap water was evidentally helping mine along. Eventually after enough water changes, changing some of my filtration setup, and cutting back a little on my feeding, they went away.


Active Member

Originally posted by Mombostic
I use the distilled, but does the drinking really say that about reverse osmosis? That's interesting to me. What is "distilled" anyway? I filled with tap water and it took me FOREVER to get rid of diatoms by doing my water changes with distilled, but I'm always open for the better suggestion.

Distilled is a process where water is turned into vapor leaving behind the solids and then condesed in a separate container. From what I found the walmart drinking water had a higher level of TDS then the distilled.


the walmart water i used to buy was from the supercenter walmart. where they sell food. its a cullagan drinking water faucet. u have to either buy or bring your own containers and fill them urself. it says right on the machine that its r/o water. it was cheap like 25c a gal. the only problem u have to drive to walmart to get more. i ended up buying a r/o filter for 100 bucks new on an auction site.:jumping:


Active Member
I saw the dispenser in my super walmart yesterday, it doesn't say you can bring your own container. It says its 1.09 if you buy it in one of their gal containers, but you can bring the container back and get refills for .33. It would take alot of trips back and forth to get it for that price unless you buy a bunch of thier containers and fill them all at once:notsure: . An RO filter is sounding better and better to me, my WM is 15 mins away.Might be ok if you just need to top off your tank though.


i know it doesnt say u could bring ur own. but i asked the cashier and she told me i could. but that was after i bought the 5 gal jug. i think it was 6 bucks there. but the check out was messed up and i got it for 1.25. yea the sign say .33 but it rings up at .25 at mine. so i used to fill 2 5 gal jugs when i went. now i use them for the ro unit.


Active Member
One note about diatoms, they are not algae, they are microbes which build their exoskeletons out of silicates. My wife has an MS in biology and can attest :) I run phosgard on my tank to eliminate phosphates and silicates, works great to eliminate diatoms as well.