wanna see...

nm reef

Active Member
...the curent status of my reef?
There have been a few heat related issues lately and I've lost a couple of SPS corals as a result...but things are still good....

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks.....but.....as Townsend once said....."Can't have it!!!!!!!"
I do have a few more pics......
my maxima and a couple of rics.....



As per my usual comment......Sigh.....
I feel that I will never be able to equal the Wizardry Reef, but soon I will be able to add some pic of my own. Now have a new computer and will post in a couple of days some growth shots over the last few months. Nothing to ooh and ahh over like that Master NM here but I still like my reef.
As usuall NM I'm green with envy
Beautiful, Excellent and Awesome NMR


Absolutely beautiful reef! :happyfish Excellent photography too. More pictures, pretty please. :yes:


Active Member
Sorry about your loss, but as packed as that puppy is, you can hardly tell!! Always a pleasure to see your hard work!

nm reef

Active Member
The heat issues will soon be addressed and in time I'll focus more on SPS types....after the chiller is in place and the temp is maintained stable for a few months. Water chemistry hasn't been a issue.....calcium stays around 450ppm and alkalinity ranges around 9.0-10.0 dKH...ph is 8.0 - 8.3.....temp fluctuates 77ish to 85ish depending on the day.....
Thanks to all for the kind comments.....the inhabitants of Wizardry Reef appreciate the comments...I do too.


Active Member
*looks at NM's tank* :eek:
:joy: :happy:
*looks at my tank*......... :notsure:

*realizes how much i love my tank even after comparing (not that it even does compare) it to NM's :happy: :joy: