Want 2 give it another shot....


New Member
Hi Everyone I'm new to this forum and I'm hoping I get all kinds of great advice... I have been wanting to start an all pony tank for over a year. Im twice bitten completely shy. I went about it all wrong before I listened to the LFS my tank was way to new and I had other fish in the tank that were some no no fishies. My Ponies lasted just over a month and then passed I was heart broken and really mad as I felt I had waisted my money. (I know the hobby isn't cheap) I lost 5 ponies at about $99. each and that still stings. I said never again but I just cant keep my mind away from my over all dream. I have a 54 Corner that is 2 yrs. est. very healthy tank I have been selling my fish off over the last 6 months and lost a Blenny to my Asian Leopard (little sucker went for a swim) anyway other than my very small frog spawn I think my tank is ready for some Ponies... any help you can give me will be a blessing I am very concerned about feeding and have heard of drip systems??? Also what are the hardiest longest living prettiest I love bright colors. I love the little mini ponies they are so cute. Also I need to know how many to have at one time etc... my tank is 24' deep I have a Ramora Skimmer, and Top/Side Refugium and I use Figi Mud in refugium, bottom of tank is bare I have live rock and have a couple of plastic fans I want to use for hitching posts and will upgrade later to live hitchers. No chiller but I do use top clamp fan to cool tank temp is right about 74 now... these were some of my Ponies from before R.I.P.
These are of my tank not the best pictures but will give you an Idea...

Thank you for an advise you can give me! BTW I just remembered that my fans are not currently clamped on because its winter here in Az and I dont need them! Sorry for all the spelling errors!!!


Active Member
Hi, and Welcome. Sorry you lost your first horses. Do you know what species they were??? did you have different kinds in there.
You should not mix species or from different breeders.
You should only by from breeder. Wild caught horses should be avoided.
Only but captive bred horses.
Bare bottom???
Are all those pieces of live rock one or two pieces. You need to stack it a little different and open up some of your tank. Your going to need lots more hitches.
You might also think about adding a chiller in the near future. Especially if you cant keep a constant temp


Active Member
Also be sure there are no stinging corals in there. No frog spawn, hammer, or anything like that.


Active Member
As far as speices, stick with either erectus or Reidi. You could also go Fuscus but your tank might be a little big for a couple of pairs of them. They are smaller horses.


New Member
I have no sub~strait on the bottom no gravel just bare glass and have found that I dont have spikes and other problems since I got rid of it over a year ago...
I have allot of live rock it is 4 huge pieces and then some smaller ones I know I need more hitchs for sure have any ideas on good hitches I have some seaweed that I moved over tonight and put in the back corner? I am going to go with Erectus cause thats what they have available here (CB and eatting frozen Mysis very well) I have 2 on hold for me till I get my tank set up. My tank temp is great even with the lights on and holds between 72 and 74 I have a tiny frog spawn and that is the only stinging coral I have left. I have a few maybe 5 small hermits all the rest are turbos. I have leathers and coalt corals zoes and mushrooms. from the size of my tank it looks like I could put 20 ponys in there lol... I know they dont like a lot of high flow so what should I do for circulation? I afraid my fans my chew them up. maybe I should just do a smaller tank??? I just dont know help!!!!


Active Member
your tank size is fine. I had a 54 corner and upgraded to a 58 reg. I have 4 erectus and its fine. Remember they can get up to 8 inches in length.
Pretty big as adults. I think you may need to move your rock around to give them some room.
You could do photo gorgoians. I have 3 that are doing great. They need decent lighting. you can use branch rock if you can find it and they make some decent looking fake corals that can be used.
There are also some really nice macro algeas that are noninvasive, but some you couldn't have because of no sand.


Active Member
powerheads will have to be covered. I use maxijets and spraybars to even out the flow. What size are yours.


New Member
I decided not to take one of the ponys I just didnt like the way it was looking or eatting. So I just brought the one female home. I also changed to a ten Gallon tank with live rock and water from my other tank to not have a cycle I moved my Ramora over to this tank too... it is running beautiful and she is eating well but seems bored lol... I know she needs a friend! She loves my computer and comes over to the edge of the tank to watch what Im doing and will sit for hours as long as there is some action on the screen. I have one question she likes to do a lot of things up side down... eat, hunt, sleep, she is like a little vampire pony or something... she takes naps just like a baby and tells me when it is time for bed. Is this at all normal or am I just crazy?


Active Member
humm I thought I posted on here, where did it go.
anyway, what species is it. Pictures??
you do know that a 10 gal is way to small for an adult seahorse. They need at least a 29 gal tank. a ten is fine for a small juvi but remember adult horses can get 7 to 8 inches long and a 10 gal is only about 11 inches tall. No room to swim.


New Member
I do know that hopefully she will grow fast... She is Erectus I just figured for now that this would be good cause she is really little and can be moved up to my 54 corner when she grows up some. Plus I found a huge crab in my 54 that I cant catch he has to be at least 3 inches across if not bigger.... GGrrrr
taking pictures now will have them up in a bit!!!


New Member
sorry I had to reach in an move some stuff and forgot to clean the glass lol...

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g175/DreamersLegacy/Reef%20Tank/IMG_9001.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Active Member
cute little horse. Is she eatting mysis?? Do you know the source your lfs uses.
watch that hitch. I have read threads, where peoples horses have gotten stuck in that one. Some of the holes are big enough to get thier heads thru but then cant get out.
oh and why isnt your tank full of water??


New Member
Its not full cause I kept sloshing the water with it on my desk and I was doing a water change cause my salt level was to high and I stopped to take some pictures for you lol. She is eating frozen Mysis. I dont know the source other than they were CB. I will be very careful with her. Do you know why she hangs upside down to eat or hunt and she sleeps like that too?
Why should I not get a Reidi to put in with an Erectus? If they came from the same breeder would it be ok? or why shouldn't you mix them?
Arent Reidi brighter colors like Yellow and orange? Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I have it right this time!


Active Member
I had one that did that. It was just her personality.
Its best not to mix species, Esp if you are new to keeping horses, because they can carry differant pathogens that the other is not immune to. Its been tried by many and almost always ends in death.


Active Member
as for color, Erectus come in yellow, red, black, brown, and can cange colors just like any other horse. I have even seen black and white and black white and orange. I was at a breeders house and her babies were all colors.
Even Reidi can start yellow and turn black. It all depends on enviroment and mood for any horse.

dive girl

+1 on not mixing species even if from the same breeder.
You know you're most likely going to have to get a chiller for your tank. I'm sure that during the summer in AZ you run your air conditioning, but if your tank is running 72-74 now come July it's going to be too warm for your horse.
She is a cute little thing!! If you want to see if she might change colors get some fake plants and corals in vibrant colors. She might take the hint and lighten up. My erectus are maroon and peach and they'll lighten or darken, usually when they greet each other.
I have 2 seahorses in a 55g and they do really well.
Have you worked on training her to eat out of a feeding dish yet?
My male seahorse lays, hitches, sleeps all different directions. Right now he's laying in his feeding dish with his head sticking out and looking down into some algae (probably for something else to eat).
I hope that you've got a little fish medicine cabinet started. Especially with something like Furan-2 and Diamox, because if your little sweetie needs some sort of medication you know it's going to be on a Saturday evening.


New Member
She is the funniest little thing ever
So now what do I do to get her a friend since she is the only one and seems so bored? I feel bad she will follow my finger across the glass and try and grab hold she wants company! Is there a dip or something I can use for any new ones?
Also I have to know how to train her to a fed dish I have wanted to know that from when I had my very first ponies... it seems like the best way to make sure they have all the food they need for a whole day, if I have to be gone!
Im a wiz with cats and medicine. But dont have a clue about meds for a sea horse so fill me in please and how is it given / applied? any help your willing to share will be concidered a blessing!
Thanks for everything ladies,