Want a lion


Active Member
Search the forums for posts regarding antennata, radiata, fu manchu, dwarf zebra, and fuzzy dwarf lions.
They would all do well in a 55g. And with good filtration, you should be able to keep two of them in a 55g.
A Russells lion would be well-housed in your tank too. Depends a little on the rest of the bioload and filtration, as he needs more space than the others I mentioned above. But you could keep one Russells in there.


Lions are more active. Skip the FuManChoo however, it is a very difficult lion to get to start eating. Zebras you can skip as well unless you plan on either A: having a good source of live ghost availible to feed a juv once a day or B: have A and plan on spending alot of time training it to eat prepared food. I doubt a Russles would have enough room when full grown. The biggest lion for a 55 would be radiata lion which also is the coolest looking.
Whatever you do, do not feed them goldfish or any other freshwater feeder fish.


^^^^^^^ What he said. Radiatas ere great but i Have heard they are a little finicky about food sometimes.


Active Member
Harlequin, I was just curious what size of tank you'd suggest for a Russells. I suggested a Russells above only w/ proper filtration, as I thought a full-sized Russells would work in a 55g as sole occupant.
I had a Russells reach one foot, and was the sole occupant in my 55g for two years before I moved him into another tank. He was by himself and had no problems, but then again I had a wet-dry and water flow parameters that could service a 125. You've always had great knowledge on this topic, just curious on your thoughts.
That being said, school_sux, with two SFEs in the 55g, I would not add a Russells to that bioload.


By itself with no or very little LR might be ok but the problem I would think with a fish this large is swimming space just because a 55 is only a foot wide itself. A 75 would be much better because of width. But yeah 3 large messy fish in a tank of that size, even if they are all tough fish, that would have to be some hellacious filtration just to keep them alive and functioning.


Active Member

Originally posted by Harlequin
A 75 would be much better because of width.

Good points, I just couldnt move him since at the time, I had five other lions (all the small species) in larger tanks, and didnt have the space (or is that floor strength) to hold another large tank.:D


Dwarf lions do not move around alot but once you get into the Pterois species they become increasingly active, for a lion that is. My antennatta rarely perched and was way more likely to follow snails and hermits around or come to the front and beg. Still not the activity of a tang but they do move around alot more than you would think a lion would.