Want MH.... But need Some advise



First off I don't know I can get them because my canopy is only 5" off the water. But if that not a Problem please direct me into what size i should get. I don't think i would need big one's but don't know. I would like to have two Mh on each side of the tank. Right now i have 3 96 watt pc's. But i would like to start a little into sps. I am not ready for them yet but i want to get the lights setup first. Can i do this or will i have bulbs breaking. Should I get a glass cover for my tank where my MH's go. Please tell me all your experiences. Also by doing this will i need a chiller. I do not want to invest in one. My tank does well right now with a few fans and i keep my ac no hotter than 89 so my tank never rises past 81.


so is 5in to low. Can I do anything with this. Anybody with mh. I have never owned them.


this is do-able but heat will be a problem and you will need fans blowing across the water and bulb under the canopy. I have a 37g that I put a 175w MH on and the bottom of the bulb is only 4" off the water. since I run a sump I put a fan in the sump to help cool the water and for the past 18 months have had no problems.


do you have glass over you tank to keep water off the bulb.


No glass covering the tank. I get some salt creep on the bulb that I clean off once a week but no other problems. It is better to have 6" - 8" of space between the bulb and the water surface but sometimes our canopies just don't cooperate.


What size and type of mh would you reccomend. I have 3 96wt pc in a 55gal. I was thinking of two MH so i could get one on each side of the tank. Do you think i need two or just one in the middle. What size lights should i be lookng for. Can anybody reccomend any name brands


Active Member

Originally posted by xxchris060
What size and type of mh would you reccomend. I have 3 96wt pc in a 55gal. I was thinking of two MH so i could get one on each side of the tank. Do you think i need two or just one in the middle. What size lights should i be lookng for. Can anybody reccomend any name brands

I would recommend 2x 250wt 10,000k Ushio's on dual PFO ballast with 2x 110wt URI Actinic "03" VHO's. That would be some great lighting. I think Mark (Attml) has that lighting on his 55 gallon.