wan't some cool stuff???


I went to the beech 4days ago, I took 1 5gal
bucket and a empty 20gal aqu. just walking down
the beech as high tide go's out I got 1 5"counch
alive, about 7peices of seaweed 8"long attached
to clusters of small clams all alive about 5lbs
of live rock, small but LR nun the less. 5gal
bucket of LS and you won't belive what I got
with that an abondance of life that would cost
$$$$$ at lfs, and just when I thought I was
done I took 20gal and dipped It Into a oncoming
wave and It got a hole lot better, So just because
you can't see It,,,(It's there)everything Is doing
well. You really gotta love the complexity & simplisity of life. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> :D


When I was young I used to catch lightening bugs and grass hoppers and put them in jars with grass so they'd be comfortable. They always died.
I'd like to suggest to you that the same thing is going to happen to all of your recent conquests. The aquarium you have them in can't duplicate, for very long, their natural habitat. why don't you do all those animals a favor and drive back to the beach and free them!!


I know it might be frustrating to hear, but I agree whole heartedly with Jim...They just wont make it in your tank...They were where they were on the beach, because thats where they survive the best....And THAT you can not dup..
Sorry, but I bet the stuff is real cool..
~Susie ;)


jim and susie,
please do not take offense, is absolutely NOT my intention, all I am doing is relaying an observation.
I am neither condoning or condeming papafish. What I find interesting is that your responses could most assuredly be applied to everything you two have in your tank(s), my tanks and any and all tanks by everyone that frequents this board or this hobby in general. You just made me think is all, know what I mean?


Active Member
If I lived near the sea, I'd do it in a heartbeat !
With the understanding that I'd have a separate tank set up for locally harvested critters.
Everything in it would be freebies.
I'd prefer not to mix found critters with purchased specimens.


Active Member
If your talking surf clams there is a good chance they won't live long in your aquarium as your tank will probably not provived enough planktonic food for them, something the surf provides a great deal of. And if I'm not mistaken many types of counchs are preditors eating amoung other things snails, hermits and some even eat small fish. I don't think trying to keep them is a bad idea, but I think you should put them in there own tank, at least for a few months to see what there about. I personaly would probably keep them apart always. And most of the things you caught in th LS or surf water will most likly not survive long in captiviy as they need a surf enviornment and food sources to live. And you souldn't put water from the beach in your tank, maybe in a beach tank if your keeping the beach critters separate. Beach water is full of nutrients(the bad ones)and its the most polluted of sea water. In addition, not all of the hichhikers you got in your LS or water, may not have been good guys, keep an eye out.


hey dude, i i lived near the ocean. YOU better believe that i would swipe a few animals. isnt what we all are doing anyways? taking live animals from the ocean and putting them in pretty tanks and hopingd for the best ? well its a little more complex than that!!! but hey good luck to you and your new sea creatures!!!!!! :p


I think the live rock would be ok to snag a few pieces. A bucket,and powerheads may be a good thing to take on vacation?????Is taking stuff from the beach/ocean even legal to do?


I am with glazer on this one. I mean, which critter of yours did not come from the wild? Some may say they bought a tank raised this and that. From what I heard, tank raised means that these fishes were caught young in the wild and raised to adulthood in the tank. Nonetheless, they came from the wild. The only difference is that you paid for yours and he didn't.

sinner's girl

thanks for reminding me to have sinner pack a heater and an air pump. heading for a road trip on monday, not sure where we'll end but some lr would be cool to get.


i dont know i have had a local tank before i got into reefing for 2 years and i had some anenomes that live till i let them go that was like 2 years i had a hole lot of stuff in that tank i got from the beach so if you belive in it enuff it will work