Want some opinions! Melafix


I had my coral beauty that had a bunch of fin abraisions from shipping and netting. Well they looked to have gotton infected with a fungal infection. I wanted him out of my show tank ASAP so 2 days ago I set up a hospital tank. I listened to a friend of mine and purchased "Melafix" (an all natural antibacterial remedy for saltwater fish diseases). I put the medicine in the hospital tank, and later that day the fish, well in 24 hours all of the fungus is gone! the fish looks great!!! Is this too good to be true, I think I will leave him in the quarenteen tank for a little while... Also, has anyone ever used Melafix? My quarenteen tank did turn cloudy with lots of tiny white dots floating around in it. Any opinions?
i used to use melafix on my discus fish back in the day. i think that it is a great product! plus ita all natual. i never used it on any of my saltwater fish though. they never had any problems(knock on wood).


Not saying it's good or bad... Just my experience... I follow the directions exactly as it stated and it wiped out my whole tank!!! BEWARE!


BEWARE>>>>> I dosed w/ Melafix b/c my Kole Tang was a bit beaten up.... major ich outbreak ws the result... the Melafix caused a HUGE amount of stress....
Better, I think, to let them heal on their own.