want to add fish, have questions


New Member
I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 clowns, a rusty angel, a shrimp, a starfish, hermits, snails, and quite a bit of live rock for the size of the tank.
I was thinking of adding two cardinals. Could I add a bottom feeder as well, like a blennie


New Member
are you kidding? did you leave a 0 out and mean 100 gallon not a 10 gallon? how long have you had all those things in there? seems over stocked now for a 10 gallon.


Active Member
If you have a 4" sand bed - 15 lbs of live rock and all those fish - where do they swim?
If you really have a 10 gal tank your stocked. Try to add some corals and enjoy the colors.


New Member
I have the tank for 6 months. All healthy. I had 2 firefish a week ago as well. A foreign crab that I didn't buy took over their hiding place killing them in the process. The crab must have hatched off one of my live rocks.


If you've had your tank for 6 months and water is all good, consider yourself lucky, because you are WELL stocked for a 10. Anymore and you'd be begging for trouble.
Good Luck


true that your tank doesn't need anything else added..however, there are crabs...like the little pest rock crab (brown with red eyes) that will grab your fish. i had one come in on some of my live rock and was fortunate to see him one night before i had added anything. i finally caught him and was happy because then i was able to add a fish! =)


your way overstocked. dont add anything else! if you want more fish get a much bigger tank, set it up age it and then transfer everything into the new tank and use the 10 as a quaritine tank