want to add some inverts, what can I have?


I currently have a 90 gal agressive tank, I would love to add some inverts, first of all can I have any inverts... and 2nd here is my livestock list can whatever inverts get along with them???
I have
1. 1 fat little porc puffer
2. dogface puffer
3. volitan lionfish
4. brown moray eel
5. clown trigger
6. yellow tang
7. mandrian dragonet
8. blue hippo tang
thanks for the help!!

fish pimp

New Member
dude you dont have enough room for what you have in there now yet alone anything else. most of everything in there easyily grow over 6-7 inches you should get a bigger tank before u get anythin else


really? It looks like there is so much room in the tank to get more.... All my fish are small besides the lion and the clown trigger. Oh well, I was thinking of a gorgonian or maybe some tube worms??? maybe an anemoe? or nothing... thanks for the response.


yah, im kinda suprized that most of them are still alive. Id get a much bigger tank before worrying about inverts, and most inverts dont fair well against puffers and triggers


I would get rid of #1, #5 and #7 imo. You could probably get some hermit crabs. Blue or red hermit crabs.


Active Member
Wow, that is not a good combination of fish, and IMO is doomed to fail in time. I agree with the above on what to get rid of, but there is no way, IMO, that you can get any invertebrates in there.
Corals, while possibly not eaten directly, will suffer from the relatively poor conditions and lack of specialized care that you would find in a reef system.