Want to begin a reef tank


here is my tank its been up for about 8 months or so
its a 125 gallon, power compact 330 watts 6500k/actinic, wet dry filter, protein skimmer, phosphate reactor, live sand, 140 lbs live rock, some polyps, and other corals, crabs, snails, undulated trigger, niger trigger, two clowns, and a 10" Regal Tang (which i am obssessed with), and a black edge eel
please feel free to critique it
i want to start a reef tank but i am afraid my undulated and niger triggers would cause problems, anyone ever done a reef tank with triggers?
also i need to do different than im doing now? what elements to buy? do i need different filtration? etc also what kind of night time light should i use
any help is appreciated


beautiful regal:eek: i think your lighting and filtration are ok, but i have never heard of an eel in a reeftank, or an undulated trigger, but i've seen tanks that look awesome with nigers:D goodluck with what you decide i probably wouldn't take my opinion about your eel and undulated trigger unless a more experienced person gives his/her opinion


thanks, i have seen eels in reef tanks before they dont really mess with anything, however i am worried about the undulated
i have mroe pics of my 10" regal in the photography section :)
she's my baby :)