Want to buy copepods and amphipods if possible


Are there any good places where I can buy some of those guys. I want to buy a mandarine but I want to stock my tank up really well first. :help:


Active Member
Be careful though if your tank isn't very established. You also need 100 lbs of LR to support enough pods for a mandarin.


yes there is, but i will get in trouble for posting on this website. email me at dischirm@yahoo.com and put amphipods in the subject line. I will let you know where to get them. I have seahorses and buy them often to keep tank stock up.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Be careful though if your tank isn't very established. You also need 100 lbs of LR to support enough pods for a mandarin.

not completely accurate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blitz99
not completely accurate.

Care to elaborate? What's not accurate?


If your anywhere near philly, I'll give you a couple of rocks from my refugium. that should get you started.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Care to elaborate? What's not accurate?
well, to be honest you just regurgitated something you read on this board. i've personally kept a mandarin in a 20 gallon tank for 4 years... no where close to 100lbs of live rock.
that 100lbs of live rock thing is about as accurate as 5 watts per gallon for this or that.. just a figure that someone threw out there and it stuck.


Active Member
It's not something I learned on this board. Their are always exceptions, and their are plenty of people who have had mandarins die because they didn't have enough pods. I have a mandarin that eats mysis but I don't encourage people to buy one assuming that they'll get lucky also.


Active Member
I was at the LFS today and they had a sealed bag of water sitting on the counter with a little sign that said "Pods for sale" I just grabbed it and told them to add it to the bill, then realizing I was in a LFS I decided to check the price, $35 for about 8oz of water, granted it was pretty swarming with pods, I asked them to take it off the total.


Active Member
Well this will get you a weird stare from your LFS but it will work. Ask your LFS for about a pound of the "crud" from the bottom of their LR tank. This will have enough pods to get you going. It is what I did and it worked well.


Active Member
LOL, I do that all the time. I've even got one store trained to let me dig thru their sump, curing pond area


Active Member
If you can get your hands on a established ball of Cheato from on of the LFS there is usually enough adult pods to get the ball rolling so to speak. Put it right in your display tank.
Stay away from other species that are accomplished pod hunters like the six line wrasse. Some things in your tank will snack on the cheato but it should have no problem sustaining itself and give the adult pods a place to avoid predation and breed.
In a month or less you should be able to take a magnifying glass and spot Juvenal pods on the glass. They are tiny, about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. This is what the small mandarin you should look for is going to eat.
When the time comes get a spotted mandarin not a psychedelic. Psychedelics are far more difficult to get to take prepared foods or even live brine. Get the smallest one you can that is not already emaciated. This can be more difficult than you think. Don't buy one that looks thin thinking you can "save" him. Tell the LFS you wont buy him unless you see him take at least live brine and better yet some type of prepared food.
From there supplement his diet with live brine and try to get him on some type of prepared food. IMO mandarin mortality has far more to do with people buying emaciated specimens to begin with(the more common form found at the LFS). A healthy well nourished Mandarin will appear chubby and be quite active. Be patient and don't buy anything but. Could take many trips to the LFS
Learning to spot quality live stock is probably one of the most important parts of this hobby. It will save you money time and a lot of hart ache

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I was at the LFS today and they had a sealed bag of water sitting on the counter with a little sign that said "Pods for sale" I just grabbed it and told them to add it to the bill, then realizing I was in a LFS I decided to check the price, $35 for about 8oz of water, granted it was pretty swarming with pods, I asked them to take it off the total.
I think the average price online is $25, plus shipping. So that really was'nt out of line.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
I think the average price online is $25, plus shipping. So that really was'nt out of line.

Their is actually a place online that sells them for much,much cheaper than that.


i live in western new york also. I usually get copepods on my live from lfs. I havent seen anybody local selling them. But i find my region very ignorant of reef tanks and marine tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
Their is actually a place online that sells them for much,much cheaper than that.
Yeah, I know, about half that price.....Good thing I checked.
My frag tank is starting to see a nice little collective of the critters, should I feed them cyclopeez (sp) or what do you feed fragtanks?