Want To Buy Cpr Bakpak 2r !!!! Now!!



I am in the market for a new or slightly used CPR bak pak reef ready, also known as 2R. If you, or anyone you know, has one, or if you know of any good deals, please please please help out a frustrated hobbyist seeking better skimming performance than . . .cough . . .*clear throat* hhhhhaaaakk . . . sea clone .hhhaaaahhhckkkk
Thank you in advance!


Alyssasdad - Thank you for responding. I cannot access my email, but I will go ahead and say my main focus is the skimmer itself (if you wanted to part out the bubble trap and preskimmer) but I also understand that they go as a package.
The best offer I have found on a new CPR back pak 2r itself with a magpump is for 95.00 including shipping?
I will try your email when I can access mine, but also making this post to reach ya. Where are you located, and will you be including shipping if far away? What kind of pump is on the CPR? Etc.
Thank you again for letting me know, maybe we can meet on a price!


Just curious to see what used ones going for on ----, a 7 month old CPR 2R is going for 65 with 15 shipping (from CA). I also found another one "supposedly" unused in another forum that sold for 75 bucks with shipping.
Just stating what the "market" is chukking up, lets talk !