want to convert FO to FOWLR.


To cut expenses but yet provide what the fish need I was planning to glue base rock together in a manner that would provide lots of "getaway' places and then stacking live rock on top of the base rock hoping the basr rock will become live in time. Has anyone had any experience doing something like this? If so, what is the best glue to use that will not harm the fish. Or, if it's a bad idea I would appreciate your thoughts on that too. Thanks.


You can use super glue gel, or there are special epoxys made for aquariums.
But IMO i wouldn't glue your rocks together because you will probably want to move them around and then you won't be able to take them apart.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azul1994
You can use super glue gel, or there are special epoxys made for aquariums.
But IMO i wouldn't glue your rocks together because you will probably want to move them around and then you won't be able to take them apart.
Everytime I have used epoxy though, it makes my skimmer go crazy..


I dont know about the glueing part as I have never glued rocks together and think that you might not want to as someone else stated above you wont be able to move rocks around at a later date.
But, I do have lots of experience with adding CLEAN base rock to established live rock. In time your base rock will become live and you wont be able to tell the difference.
I've done this twice each time adding about 15 lbs of clean live rock to my tank. Make sure it is clean because if it still has some living matter on it your tank will start to cycle again and thats not a good thing.


As mentioned, it is best not to glue the rocks together. Stack them so that they are stable. Dig the rock down into the sand. Sand sifting critters will topple your rock if it is not in there securely.