want to do DIY overflow but have ?'s


Well i have a old 55g Sump and it was a center return well now i want to use it as a frag/different types(reef safe/non reef safe) of fish tank so i was thinking this. The tank was a center return Sump and i went and left in 2 baffles and took the other ones out well the tank says on the bottom do not drill it doesnt say tempered though. My plan is this,1. keep it center return to overflow and i will have the water from Sump pump returned on both sides
use left over glass baffles to make a over flow box both inside and behind on the out side its going to be baffled so it doesnt loss syphon.
thats my plan
My questions

Can i make this work?
Can i make the overflow box inside alot lower than the box outside?
If so with the u-tubes can i cut some off were they will go into the outside main drain box just below were i will have the anti syphon break baffles?

pic of the tank in question

The thing is im just tring to use what i have and since there is a sticker on the bottom that says do not drill this enclosure even though it doesnt say tempered has got me scared and i cant just waist a 55g tank.
All help and criticism is fully welcome this is how we learn.


Active Member
Post a good pic.
So do I get it correct the back of the tank is drilled in the center yes or no?


Ok i tried this now keep in mind im not a artist but i drew a crude pic. of what i want to do.Its going to be like a hang on but im using glass sheets and it will be all siliconed in.
But will it work out is what im tring to find out so please any criticism or help bring it on.


Active Member
I would just risk it and drill the back. If you trash it no big 55g are cheep
In theory the overflow you drew could work but the longer the u-tube the bigger of a pain it will be to keep the siphon going. The water level on the inside would have to be the same on the outside.
Now an idea you could raise the water level by adding two abs baffles silicone them right next to the glass ones so the glass supports the abs and at the top of the abs sheets cut 1" tall teeth. then copy a cpr overflow.


Originally Posted by GeoJ http:///forum/thread/380430/want-to-do-diy-overflow-but-have-s#post_3311126
I would just risk it and drill the back. If you trash it no big 55g are cheep
In theory the overflow you drew could work but the longer the u-tube the bigger of a pain it will be to keep the siphon going. The water level on the inside would have to be the same on the outside.
Now an idea you could raise the water level by adding two abs baffles silicone them right next to the glass ones so the glass supports the abs and at the top of the abs sheets cut 1" tall teeth. then copy a cpr overflow.
What are abs baffles
so will i have to lower my out side box?


Active Member
Take a look at my tank the black abs with the teeth is higher then the glass that supports it

You can see the blue silicone on the top of the glass it is about 4" down from the teeth

You can see in this overflow how the gravity of the water falling on the outside of the tank helps keep the siphon going by sucking the water out the tank. So it would help to have the water on the outside lower then on the inside.

How far is it from the top of your glass baffle to the top of your tank?


Active Member
I think your inner overflow box is sitting to low....You will have to make it adjustable or play with it before siliconing everything in place to get it flowing right....You just want the inside box to skim the surface....With it being totally submerged as your pic is showing; kinda defeats the purpose of skimming the surface. JMHO!!!!!!


Well i got rid of the old glass baffles and went to lowes today and got .25" plexi instead im also making it so water flows through all areas and i will just have one overflow and the live stock i want to keep seperate from each other can be.
So now the water level can go as high as it needs to.
If i could find a good priced hang on back i would get one.



Well-Known Member
The 120G in the picture I believe is made by Perfecto, it has a sticker on the bottom that just says "Tempered Glass" the rest was torn off by the previous owner I guess. But the tank was manufactured in 2007. I haven't drilled any of my 55G's yet. One of them is an All Glass but it is going to be my sump for my 120G once I finish building the stand and canopy for it so I don't plan on drilling that one. The other 2 55G's though I do have plans to drill in the future.
I was in your position before I drilled the 120G. I was nervous because at first I couldn't confirm if the entire tank was tempered or not. But after talking with several people and then reading and searching everything that I could find on the internet I figured it was safe...so I did it. To the best of my knowledge I don't think you would have any issue drilling the back of your 55G. I've heard a rumor that some manufactureres are beginning to make their tanks with all tempered glass but I don't know how true that is. And I can't really imagine them doing it on anything smaller than a 90G tank...unless it's a bowfront. Bowfronts generally are tempered on the front pane and the bottom.


Well-Known Member
I actually read that thread too. Ya know what...give me a moment I'll go try it on my All Glass tank that I'm going to use as my sump. I'll tell you if it works or not.
Well...I tried it with my phone and I didn't see any difference. And the sticker on that tank actually says "This bottom is made with tempered glass Do Not Drill".


Active Member
I'd be totally surprised if the bottom was glass....Usually they are all tempered on the bottom except for super small tanks. I would just drill the side to be on the safe side as well.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/380430/want-to-do-diy-overflow-but-have-s#post_3311438
I actually read that thread too. Ya know what...give me a moment I'll go try it on my All Glass tank that I'm going to use as my sump. I'll tell you if it works or not.
Well...I tried it with my phone and I didn't see any difference. And the sticker on that tank actually says "This bottom is made with tempered glass Do Not Drill".
How did it turn out?

