Want to go topless without popping headlights

OK, that may have been a dirty subject but-
Currently I have glass versa-tops on my reef tank. After reading a post on this subject I'm thinking about altering my setup. Here's my problem...
My MH bulbs are close enough to the tank that I'm worried about water splashing and popping the bulbs. If I put acrylic covers over the retofit kit that houses my lighting (to reduce temp and increase air/water contact) - how can I be sure that the MHs won't melt the acrylic? If I make seams can I use AGA sylicone glue or will the heat from the MHs melt that too.
I'm thinking of taking a piece of acrylic (positioned parallel to the lights) and glueing it to two more pieces of acrylic (positioned on the ends of the canopy vertically) which will be attached to the reflector. Will this setup provide ample protection while being secure?
One more thing, I just realized this should probably be in Equip. DIY. I don't know if I can move it, so if a mod wants to move it feel free.
Thanx again;)


Active Member
yes, you can use acrylic to cover the MH bulbs. It shouldn't melt or get too hot if you have a fan in the hood or if it is real well venilated. I am not exactly positive about where and how you were planning to cover the MH bulbs, so you might want to expand on that a little though. And I would recommend using plexiglass instead of acrylic.
envision an upside down "U" set lengthwise under the halide bulbs. That's how I plan on mounting it. so the lights won't melt the acrylic - what about the glue? How should I join my pieces of acrylic/pexi-glass to each other?
Perhaps this is a oversimplified answer but couldn't you simply raise the fixture?
Installing acrylic a couple of inches from a MH bulb WILL in my opinion cause it to warp or discolor and may very well cause it to melt. Hold your hand near where the acrylic would be if you can keep it there then you are probably ok if not consider another alternative.
The wattage of the bulbs will also play a factor since the 175's run a little cooler than the 400's (didn't see which ones you have)
As for glueing ...check into Weldon products. if you are not concerned with looks The Weldon #40 will allow for some mistakes. With properly preped edges the #4 or #3 will give a much nicer finished look.
What is the difference between plexiglass and acrylic? ;) (careful this may be a trick question)


Active Member
haha, thanks slowest is fastest... I never even thought that plexiglass and acrylic were the same thing until I looked it up. I guess when I think of plexiglass I normally think of a thin sheet that is somewhat bendable, and that acrylic is normally thicker so it doesn't bend as much. Learn something new everyday! :cool:
And i agree, the best possible solution would be if you could raise the lights a little.
P.S. where in Ohio are you located slowest is fastest?
Plexiglas is "A" brand name for acrylic. Many different companies manufacture acrylic.
After cracking one bulb and shattering another I decided to get the pendant fixtures with glass covers. But I am very messy and always get a gallon or so on the floor whenever I am playing in the tank:eek:
I know several others with MH mounted 8" above the water who have never had any problems.... I guess that means I splash a lot....are you a splasher? LOL
slowest is fastest- I have 175s.
I can't raise the lights. The agreement with the wife is that the tank needs to be self contained and good looking. I have the retro kit installed in an AGA modern series canopy. Not a lotta room, so I have to deal otherwise. I'll try the hand trick and see what I can make of it.
As always thanks for the info. everyone.:)
Depending on how handy (DIY) you are you could remove the "Modern" lid and add a second lower section. This gives you all the extra room you need and keeps the wife happy too.
I will try to post a pic later this evening.


when i was at home depot, and toying with acrylic, i found many different grades of acrylic... i, bougth the cheepest first, and it melted quicky... i then went to the most expensive, and it worked out fine.... they specifically tell you what each one is used for, and i would go with the highest grade...