want to learn more on coral placement?


:happyfish Is there a thread on coral placement? i love the corals and have 7 in my 75 gal reef.. however i would like more but worried about them getting along and being too close and fish not eating them. Now i have frogspawn mushrooms orange sponge star polups ... just wanting to learn more on this subject


Buy this book: CORALS A Quick Reference Guide by Julian Sprung. It has detailed full color photogrphs of hundreds of species, also has quick reference charts concerning each coral's requirements for light, water movement, and food, their hardiness in captivity, aggressiveness toward other corals, and proper positioning in the aquarium.


So sweet... i love this hobby as well as reading and i swear research is a passion of mine. I just love it. Thanks for the book ....ill go get it tomorrow. Thanks ~Bonnie


Active Member
i also have that book and have learned alot from it. i also bought all the other books in the series by him . I have to say they are the best books and very easy to understand.The reef aqaurium volume one and two are very good also. happy reading


I'd recommend the book by Eric Borneman aswell, very, very informative and has helped me stacks! I love it!