Want to see the people who frequent this site..


Active Member
I do believe that has to be your avatar. Funny stuff with the fish on your head.
More...More, almost a two pager.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
C'mon, we can do better than this, can't we? 166 page views and only 11 posts, we post so many pics of our tanks, fish etc.. Lets see the people.

319 views and only like 10 pics? Common people, get your butts in gear!


Active Member
MiaHeat, there is no love on the board. I don't know what everyone is scared of. This thread is not intented to judge people, but merely put a face to the name, and not some silly avatar. Like seasalt for example that avatar throws me way off base, now I know what he looks like. I don't know about anyone else, but it irks me to talk to someone on a regular basis and not even no what they look like. I don't even talk to my parents everyday (shame on me I know).
Right now we are getting a 1-14 response, unacceptable.
Thanks to everyone who has shared


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Me, with my lady and son

Coraljunky love the mohawk on the kid by the way. It took about 20 views on this thread from me to finally notice.


So many from Florida! Here in one of my and my best friend who recommended this site for information. I am the one on the right with the buggy glasses, ;).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
MiaHeat, there is no love on the board. I don't know what everyone is scared of. This thread is not intented to judge people, but merely put a face to the name, and not some silly avatar. Like seasalt for example that avatar throws me way off base, now I know what he looks like. I don't know about anyone else, but it irks me to talk to someone on a regular basis and not even no what they look like. I don't even talk to my parents everyday (shame on me I know).
Thanks to everyone who has shared

well when i got that avatar i was bald like the guy in the pic just out of curiousity what did you all think i looked like? everyone through me off too but here is a comparison pic to my avatar while going through the chemo warning this will scare small children, let me know how uncanny the resemblance is...tobin


Active Member
It won't scare young children, you are a survivor and a fighter, I have much respect for you no matter what pic you post. You've helped me and I thank you
PS I have to ask a question why do you put tobin after everything you post?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
It won't scare young children, you are a survivor and a fighter, I have much respect for you no matter what pic you post. You've helped me and I thank you
PS I have to ask a question why do you put tobin after everything you post?
thats my name , and i think of this as a friendly forum and i like to be personable i know the 1's that have been here awhile know my name, but the newb's don't and i like to keepit friendly, sometimes i have a hard time on the political 1's though, and pretty good resemblance huh and thanks for the kind words...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
AHH,, you made my day sad with that pic TOBIN! I would prefer not to see those....

i'm a fighter like i said and i have hair now and my spirits are high and they were then too,i have stayed positive through both times and if there is a third or a fourth i'll still be here to me the cancer is like a pesky little hair stealin fly i give it no more credit than that...tobin


Active Member
No reason to be sad, he is still here talking to everyone. The day you don't see his or anyone elses post is the day to be sad. Keep fighting tobin, and we will all be here to support you.


Active Member
i really want to know how close the avatar was,you know how hard it is to find a cartoon character that looks like someone...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i really want to know how close the avatar was,you know how hard it is to find a cartoon character that looks like someone...tobin
I mean it is as close as you can get.

I just hope I don't look like an old english D.
Going to the local establishment if you know what I mean. I want to see more posts. My goal is to out do the "bush bashers" thread, politics....whatever.


Originally Posted by Vpotts28
I mean it is as close as you can get.
Well, the avatar doesn't have a laptop, lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
I mean it is as close as you can get.

I just hope I don't look like an old english D.
Going to the local establishment if you know what I mean. I want to see more posts. My goal is to out do the "bush bashers" thread, politics....whatever.
sorry i started that one don't hate...tobin


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
me!...same as my avatar =)

actually D its backwards... your hand is on the opposite side...

great pic though!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i'm a fighter like i said and i have hair now and my spirits are high and they were then too,i have stayed positive through both times and if there is a third or a fourth i'll still be here to me the cancer is like a pesky little hair stealin fly i give it no more credit than that...tobin
You make me smile =) congratulations on beating cancer!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
actually D its backwards... your hand is on the opposite side...

great pic though!!!
I was wondering if anyone would notice that lol yay you win!