New Member
Ok, I want to set up a refug to an existing 135G Tank. I have some room undernieth my Tank. I was wondering what size Tank or rubbermaid container would be best for this size tank. I also have been reading around and would like to use Miracle Mud to do this. I need suggestions on which plants to use for the refuge, and how to introduce the refuge into the mainstream of the tank without shocking the livestock I already have in there. I am going to Tee off one of my HOB overflow lines to go into the Refuge and just let gravity take over to drain into the sump and finally using the Mag 24 to return the water to the main tank. Any suggestions on light cycles, or time to leave the lights on, or what type and wattage I would need is a great help here. I want to do it this week and have the time off to complete this task, so speed is of the essence in this thread. I wouldnt mind any emails to me personally. I will include the address on the end of this. Please let me know how deep of a bed of miracle mud I should use. What the pros and cons of miricale mud is of the live sand and live rock set up I have been reading about on here. I know it is alot of info and alot of questions, but this is a passion of mine and my fish and corals are like my family, so I dont want to do anything wrong to lose them. Thanks in advance.