Want to start nano at college


ok i allready have a 75 at home but i don't have a tank here with me at school. My question is if there are any other people out there that have a tank at school with them and what do you do with it on long breaks like over summer? .....like how do you transport everything home with you or what ?
thanks for any help in advance!


hey im in college and i maintain a 12 gal nano. like, its pretty easy for me cuz i keep mine at home and make the commute to take care of it. i wouldnt set up a nano in your dorm because by the time you get it cycled and ready for corals your just gonna have to take it back home! its a bummer. i thought about setting on up in my room but wanted to avoid the hastle of tearing it down and setting it back up. you can try it though, i always was stoked on the idea of having a nano in my dorm room. its always possible, it would just be a pain later


yea thats why i waited because i now live in an apartment off campus so i come and go as i please but over long breaks i am at home working more than i am here.....so if i started one i would have to take it home with me. either way i was interested in starting a nano but no one at my house likes doing the maintenence on the other tank and i don't think i could talk them into taking care of this one also for another 2 yrs.


Hey ya'll. I have a nano here in my dorm. I just have an eclipse 12. I know how much it sucks worrying about having to move it. Did n't think about it when I set it up in Early March. But I'll be moving soon to an apartment a few blocks away so I'm hoping for a smooth travel w/ out a recycle.
As for breaks I either ask a friend to stop by and feed them or maybe I might some day buy an automated feeder. They seem to be ok though on the rare times I leave town and they don't get fed every day.


New Member
lugging a tank from one place to another is a real pain in the butt. I did it for the last year and a half and it was more trouble than it was worth especially with my 20 gal. Because have you ever tried to get fish smell out of the back seat of your car?


Active Member
i have one, i live off campus and ive never been gone for more than a weekend since ive had it...and i'll have a roomie feed it, or i'll give them food the day before i leave, fill the water real high...havent had any problems yet....i dont think moving it back and forth would be worth it unless it was real small. just my opinion