Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Mr. P
Adding a third Perc would be a disaster. Percula take a lot longer than Ocellaris to mature s odon't expect them to mate soon. For them to mate they will require a lot of food as well. It's not just an automatic thing. They require a stable, peaceful environment as well as high water quality and a LOT of food- in quantity, quality, and variety.
How much food?
For 2 years every morning I have been feeding mine with mixed frozen seafood (krill, mysid, brine shrimp, scallop, cyclopeeze, formulas I and II, silversides) just enough for them and their tankmates to consume in a couple of minutes.
Recently, I've been feeding a little more in the evenings, flake and pellet foods made for marine fish. I want my clowns to spawn.
I've been attempting to rear my friend's clowns' eggs, but that has not been totally convenient, as he lives pretty far away. It would be soooo much easier and more interesting if my own clownfish would spawn. Plus, I like my own clownfish, think they are prettier than his (don't tell him, he's a really nice guy).
Guy, or anyone else, how much do you feed your spawning clownfish?