Want to try to bred something in my tank

Well I have a 24g Aquapod and I can't decide on what to get as a stocklist.
I like the B&W Occ. Clownfish but clownfish are harder to bred so I was wondering if I could do a pair of B&W Occ. Clownfish and a pair of Bangaii Cardinalfish. Would there be terrirtory issues? I've noticed most people have at least a trio of Bangaii Cardinalfish but would they bred in a pair?


Active Member
Cardinals are known the most to breed...there are mannnyyy people I know and many people on this site who have got them to breed..and the bangaii are awesome looking..not sure about hte whole territory thing..
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
Cardinals are known the most to breed...there are mannnyyy people I know and many people on this site who have got them to breed..and the bangaii are awesome looking..not sure about hte whole territory thing..
Yeah they are cool and I've noticed they are becoming more popular in the breeding area, with a lot of people breeding them. Partly I suppose because the fry are easier to raise and they are more likely to bred than clowns. I know that clownfish get territorial, (don't know about occ. clownfish) and I didn't know if that'd hurt the fry that bangaii cardinal that carries in it's mouth.
im not sure if that tank has enough room for 2 benggais and 2 ocelaris clowns. i would ask around about territory issues.


I would say you would be fine on the territory thing. I have an egg laying pair of clowns(ocellaris) and they are not territorial at all unless something comes right near their egg patch. I would not try maroon's or tomatoes because they are much more aggressive. Also I am actually thinking of selling my pair. I have raised many of their fry, but with 2 kids and a house I really do not have the time anymore. They are a great pair and lay eggs every 2 weeks. I have sold thousands of there fry. let me know if anyone is interested. E-mail me mscarpena@msn.com.


24 gallon is perfect for breeding clowns, and yes you can have a pair of breeding bangaii in the same tank with any pair of clownfish you want clowns do not mind bangaii at all (and clownfish are some of the easiest to breed next to the bangaii ofcourse)