Want Water Suppliment advice


Would it be beneficial to add something like Coral-vite to my water? It says that it stimulates growth in anenomes and beneficial marine algae. What do you guys add?


I use WON reef/marine combo sol #1 which is similar to coral vite. I think that I have seen alot of posts where most don't use these additives but I'm not sure on that. I was using 1 ml 2 times per week in my 10 gallon and I had my LFS test my water, because they have a digital readout tester, and my calcium was very high to which he recommended I lay off of the additives for a while. And thats all I know about that:D


Active Member
I add that mac weiss coral vital dna and I makes my coral line algea grow all over the rocks, glass and overflow like crazy. It also seems to enhance the colors of my coral. I didn't see any advance in growth of my anemone or corals though.


Active Member

Originally posted by FLATZBOY
I add that mac weiss coral vital dna and I makes my coral line algea grow all over the rocks, glass and overflow like crazy. It also seems to enhance the colors of my coral. I didn't see any advance in growth of my anemone or corals though.

totally agree with you, I have been using it for about 5 months now and it has made a big difference in coraline growth. I also have not lost a coral, anemone or fish in that time duration. I have noticed sizable increases in my corals but not sure if its due to this product. It seems to be good stuff, costly but worth it in my mind. A friend turned me onto it after much urging and now im glad he did!!


If you don't test for the specific chemical don't add it to your tank. I know it sounds weird but I've heard a lot of the experts telling people that advice.


Active Member
Your right in some cases but this is more like an additive such as plankton most people add it but you can't test for it. I didn't use vital dna for a while and I saw it at the lfs and decided to try it out after reading it. I saw a difference in the colors of my corals and the coraline algea was growing everywhere. I've seen know negative affects since I've been using it so I will continue to use it and I recomend it to anyone who has a reef tank.

bang guy


Originally posted by AudiSteve
If you don't test for the specific chemical don't add it to your tank.

I agree 100%.
None of the Weiss products have an ingredient list so I strongly advise against using any of them.

bang guy


Originally posted by FLATZBOY
Your right in some cases but this is more like an additive such as plankton most people add it but you can't test for it.

Plankton isn't a chemical additive. It's a natural food product.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Plankton isn't a chemical additive. It's a natural food product.

Yeah your right it is natural but the marc weiss reef vital dna is made up of all natural stuff to. Its made of natural aquatic biological enzyme catalysts.

bang guy


Originally posted by FLATZBOY
Its made of natural aquatic biological enzyme catalysts.


That is a description of sugar.....