Wanted 90gal with bottom drilled in roch, NY


New Member
Will travel up to 250 miles from 14487
Just starting out Need all equipment but first need tank and stand.
The stand is most important need to be Solid oak.
Please send Resent Pic and $


I have a 90 gallon that isn't drilled with a pine stand and I have an external overflow kit I can throw in for $250. If interested send me your email address and I can send pics


i have a 120 for sale. it has eveything that you need. Tank, stand rough cut oak costom maid. I do have pis. Also comes with a odessa 2 250 mh and 4 65 cf light, skimmer, powerheads, pump, sump. This is a plug and play setup. I live in buffalo ny and am willing to meat you or work somethng out. asking 700 for all


New Member
I have been convinced be by saltwater buddies that I should just start out with an internal overflow. Also my wife is convinced she wants the tank tight to the wall. So I will mot be able to buy your tank.
I have been convinced be by saltwater buddies that I should buy your tank. However after showing my wife the size of a 120gl, she is convinced she needs to keep my balls in her purse or where ever she hid those 14 years ago. So I will mot be able to buy your tank. 75 to 90 is my limit.
Thank you both for you offers.


The 90 gallon and the 120 gallon are about the same size. The only different beeing that the 90 is 18" front to back and the 120 is 24" front to back. They are both 4' x 24' other than the front to back measurement. Can she really complain about the extra 6"? I really would not get a 90 when a 120 is available.


I aslo have a 75 gal tank and pine stand for sale. It comes with almost eveything that you need. Skimmer, corallife lights 2 reio 1700 pump and 3 powerheads and 1 heater.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bobtail107
The 90 gallon and the 120 gallon are about the same size. The only different beeing that the 90 is 18" front to back and the 120 is 24" front to back. They are both 4' x 24' other than the front to back measurement. Can she really complain about the extra 6"? I really would not get a 90 when a 120 is available.
I'd recommend her to dig back into her purse and let you have your balls back for 5 seconds so that you can say yes to the 120g.
Tell her that a female reefer told this and she has let her hubby have his out for long enough so that he has said yes 6 times in the past 5 months (150, 135, 75, 55, 39... only 1 running right now but eventually 3 will be) + 44g bowfront FW


New Member
Well, My fault I was thinking any thing over 110 went to 72” long. I can’t remember every manufacture of tanks. I have been using AGA as the rule to go by. I do understand that some go out and not over. But my limit is really 18” believe it or not that extra 6” does look goofy in the location it is to be placed. Yes, I did construct a model to verify this. So my mind is set on not exceeding the 18” mark.
On another note my saltwater aquarium friends are warning me against going to high due to lighting issues. I plan to have more corals than fish. It’s been 30 years since my last saltwater tank (sea horses) and it seems every thing I was informed then was wrong it seem it’s amazing they live past the first month. Now I have friends that have had tanks for more than ten years (believe that or not I do have friends) I am trying to follow there leads.
I’ll send you mail on your drill guy and the 75.


when i bought my last tank( 150 display - 75 sump) i gave her money to go shopping and by the time she come home..... look what i have. She loves it now. Half the tank is hers...
but i didn't say that. Over time they grow to love it weater they tell you that or not.