wanted cheap fish


ive had my 100g up for a little over a year and about 3 months ago i had ick really bad and the only fish that survived was my flamehawk and a blue devil damsel. i removed all of the LR and lowered the salinity.... basically the tank is rid of the ick. so now after losing like six fish (none were over 45 bucks) i want to add some more but now feel as though i only want to add fish that are 20-25 dollars at the most, and of course cheaper ones. currently i have a porcelin crab, hermits, snails, flamehawk, and a blue devil damsel........so show me what there is..... one fish i am already considering is the pygmy angel on sale for $12 on this site, a pretty fish that is often overlooked probably due to its inexpensive price


You can get the Green chromis for about $5.99.They are one of my favorite little fish and very hardy and peaceful little guys.


My favorite fish is the lawnmower blenny. I have had one in every tank I have ever owned. They have such personalities and usually run less than $10. I don't know though with your LR coming out and what all you have done since if you would have enough algae growth to support one.


tank has been back to normal salinity for about 6 weeks and the LR retained a lot of growth since it was in another small tank i also added another 40lbs have a total of about 90- 100lbs give or take....... so far i was thinking clowns of course i like the tomato clowns and the pygmy angel for sale on this site....just looking for more suggestions and other peoples favorites


Active Member
chromis' are great they school real nice..and if your damsel i like ours he will school with them, and lawn mower blennies are awesome fish they are loaded with personality! we got a royal gramma for around 15 -20 bucks good luck!


well did a little research on this site and came up with..........
1.basslets................. $10-18
2.algea/ sailfin blenny.. $16-17 size var.
3. pink anthias............$15 (female)
4. midas blenny...........$24
5.most butterflyfish......$20-40
6. green mandarin........$17 ( wait 6-12 months for mature tank.. pods=food)
- clarkii..................$15
- gold stripe maroon.$16
- pink skunk............$10
- percula................$15
10.purple/Purpleback Pseudochromis..$15
11.snowflake eel..........$20
- pixy....................$15
- lyretail.................$15
- red spoted...........$12
13.fuzzy dwarf lion.......$17 (venomous)
14.porcupine puffer......$15
15.foxface..................$25 (v)
16.Samurai Squirrelfish ..$13(v)
18. scopas tang..........$20
19. yellow tang...........$30
20. bursa trigger.........$19
21. wrasse
- dragon..............$20
- Pennant Fairy.....$20
- sixline................$20
- yellow................$15
did what i could and there are many fish that are cheap on this site $30 and less good luck


saltfish that is plenty....... any ones that are your fav that you would suggest....i have also seen the numerous amount of inexpensive fish but wanted to get peoples opinion on the best bang for your buck