Wanted....hang On Refugium


New Member
I just disassembled a 55 reef and am getting ready to sell it. I have a 25" CPR hang on refugium with Hagan 301 pump (no crappy Rio pumps for me) and power compact light.
Here's a link on CPR's web site: http://www.cpraquatic.com/products/aquafuge.html.
It works AWESOME. There's room for about 2 inches of miracle mud. Dirty water enters at the bottom on one side and exits out the top of the other, so all the plants are exposed to a slow flow. It did a great job of reducing nitrates, to the point where tank algae only had to be wiped once a month - even with metal halides.
I bought every plant I could get my hands on and have the macro-algae that thrived and took over all the other plants. I'm happy to include a large bunch to get you started. You'll be shocked how fast it grows, eating nitrates, phosphates, and silicates on the way.
The lighting is a Jalli 36 watt power compact. The brace legs are cut so it fits perfectly in the CPR.
I'll even throw in a heavy duty timer. I found the plants did the best turning on at 8pm (when the main lights go off) and turning off at 4pm - a 20 hour day.