wanted in maryland


i just set up a new tank and would like anything you've got to offer thats CHEAP! :)
power head (i need an extra)
protein skimmer
anything CHEAP i'll take! and ill come pick up!!!!!!!


i am selling a turbo fluter skimmer for $100 only 4months old was on my 55gal and worked on my buddies 210, i have two powerheads 404's asking $40 also i have a hood that has two 96watt pc bulbs white and blue built into the hood with two fans asking $200 if interested let me know or for pics email me at sweetiipie71@yahoo.com located in ohio shipping not included


What size tank do you have? I have a 48" power compact light set.


What size hex tank? Ever different size needs a different size light fixture.


I believe its a 35 - but I'm not 100% sure... only because I bought the tank from someone.. and the 35g hex's in the store look much smaller than mine.......!? I can look tonight and find out what size light is in my hood now!?


Originally Posted by sjw87
Send me an email... I can help you out with livestock...

Believe him too get things low prices...
Unless you need Hawii fish then I can beat him but the clownfish from him are big ang healthy. Also he can get the things I want (ex. Red Sea Anthias).
Steven I have most of the money now. I need to get a Tusk first and get the money back from my client then I will have it all at once.


New Member
Do not buy from sjw87 unless you want to get ripped off! He ripped me off when I payed him $40 for a clean up crew and I had to hound him for 9 days before he sent it and then when I finaly got it IT WAS HALF WHAT I PAYED FOR! He said he sent me the wrong order but he never would refund half my money OR send me the rest of what I ordered. This Is the first time I have ever been ripped off and hopefully the last. I hope this message saves you from beeing ripped off by this 17 year old punk. He has a few different e-mail addresses like sjwolkholdingcompany and sjw87@rochester.rr and Karz87_sale@yahoo his name is Steven J Wolk and he is from Rochester NY.


Steve is a cool person. I don't even know what you are talking about. I got an awesome pair of GSM from him. Many people wanted them and he held them for me and he even paid for overnight shipping for me to get him the money. Then he shipped them to me one a day that was good for me. Then he overnight shipped them in the price I paid for the fish DHL directly to my house and made it so my 13 year old brother could recieve the package. Also he is way older than 17. How can you own a business and be under 18??? I don't even know what you are smoking but it's got to be good because it's working really well. I got my fish unharmed and my little brother acclimated them and they went through an ich stage and now they are fine. Also my purchase was $100 more than double yours. Come on I'm 17 and had no problem with him so you must be a complete idiot not to be able to work with Steve. He helped me through out the whole sale and then some. I have become friends with him and talk too him often.
Well I think that is direct enough, got questions? Anyone want me to send you a full testimonial post here with your email or find my pics of my 30gal tank under photography.
Philip Oxman


New Member
What do you mean you dont know why im talking about him????? HE RIPPED ME OFF!! That is why. You are probably just one of hos friends OR your are Steven Wolk using a different name. And accusing me of smoking something and beeing a complete idiot just proves my point!


I wasn't his friend at the time of the purchase. What is up with you and getting new accounts on different forums and spreading rumors. (I don't people like you.) When you pay as much as I do and get ripped off then we'll talk.


New Member
Its not a roomer, ITS THE TRUTH! I will find his name anywhere I can and warn people about him.