wanted tankmate to add some spice to a spiceless tank scene

Hey guys,
I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions to spice my tank up, right now I have a 125 gallon with 5 fish...2 percs 1 blue tang, 1 small niger trigger, and a yellow watchman goby. They all get along famously but they hardly interact with the tank. I put a lot of rock work in almost a year ago, and since adding the fish they seem to spend all their time in the rocks, I thought rocks would help them, which I am sure it has, but the only time they really come out and swim is when it is feeding time, otherwise they are rock dwellers, except for the clowns who don't swim too much (which is kind of boring). Just wondering if anyone had any good suggestions to maybe liven things up a bit in the way of new fish?
thanks sean
I had a naso tang once and he was pretty active...I always thought the niger triggers were very active, but he just hides in the rock and all of these fish are scairdy cats which is different from my previous experience with the clowns and blue tangs...


Wrasse, if you like to see fish swim through holes in the LR. Constantly looking for live prey.


if i had a FO tank, i would have to have a lunare wrasse! i dont know much about them since they are not a reef safe, but i know that they would probably make quick work of any inverts.


i would go for some sort of wrasse over the anthias. anthias may not be the best tankmates with a trigger because they tend to be some what shy feeders. i have a niger trigger and solor wrasse in my 72 bow and the wrasse owns the trigger.
all the guys are doing very well, and have very hardy appetites, but they are just rock dwellers. I bought the trigger because I thought they were very active, but he is really actually passive and hides even if you make any sharp movements around the tank. The wrasse might not be a bad idea, I had a cleaner in my last tank and he was everywhere, what about a 6 line wrasse?
and does anyone have any other thoughts?
thanks guys


I have always wanted a harliquin tusk but I don't want everything eatten in my tank. But I think they are really cool lookin with there teeth hangin out and colors.


How about some Cardinals or Chromis? Great school fish...
Chromis are pretty active fish...


Do you have corals in your tank?
Even so, take a look at coral beauties (angelfish), Flame Angels, any of the swallowyail angels, any of the dwarf/pygmy angels, Powder Blue Tangs, Powder Brown Tangs, Cardinals, purple fire gobies, yellow chromis, blue chromis, Neon velvet damsels, fairy wrasses, flasher wrasses, etc...
Other then fairy and flasher wrasses, most other wrasses will eat your inverts, especially your ornamental shrimps. Most of your other angels will nip corals.
Hope that sparks some ideas.


Active Member
The 6-Line is a very active fish and will swim in and out of your lr all day long. The only draw back is that they will put a serious dent in your pod population. Very pretty fish though.


how about a dottyback?there terriorial by nature and are usualy intolerant of the same, or similar, species, ther shy when first put in the tank, but acclimatize quite well, losing alot of there shyness once established. some are known to eat crustaceans, but if you get a young juvi, they addapt to flake and frozen brine. i have had mine 3 years, and she doesn't bother my pepperments or my cleaner shrimp. there fun to watch because you never know where they will come out of your lr next, they find holes you never new you had. or maybe a anthias, i think someone mentioned, very beautiful and graceful. they come in a veriety of colors, they are peacful, invertebrate compatible. and i purchased this as a young juvi, also. eats flake & brine same as the dottyback. all my fish stay out where i can see them all day,but i also clip green marine algae seaweed to the front corner of the tank, and boy do my fish love it. well good luck in whatever you pick. i'm sending you a couple of pics so maybe you will see something in the colors you want, hope you like.


hey beach, i have a 100gal, tank w/20gal sump, built in overflo, 560 watts VHO's,and a small refugium. i have 4 tangs,
1 naso
1 hippo
1 yellow
1 lopezi-(blue spotted tang)
i added them all at different times, and they all get along very well, they don't even argue over food at feeding time. i have had them all for about 2 years.( i know wierd,) right.